

The Impact of Zimen Boxing Fun Sparring Practice on the Physical Fitness of 9~10 Year-Old Children
摘要 为验证字门拳趣味技击练习对9~10岁儿童身体素质的提升效果,以健身视角探索字门拳技击技术的传承路径.采用整群抽样法,从G市中随机选取某小学四(3)班(42人),平均年龄9.5岁,与四(5)班(43人),平均年龄9.6岁,随机选取四(3)为实验组,采用字门拳趣味技击对抗方式;四(5)为对照组,采用武术套路演练方式,实验为期12周,每周3次练习,每次持续时间1小时,强调心率控制在120~160次/分钟.身体素质数据采用障碍变向折返跑、击打速度、击打力量、坐位体前屈等方法测试.结果表明,实验前,实验组和对照组小学生身体素质不存在差异性(p>0.05);实验前-后对比,实验组学生的力量、速度、灵敏和柔韧素质均有明显提升,对照组学生速度、灵敏和柔韧有显著性提升,力量素质提升不显著;实验后对比,实验组学生的灵敏和速度素质比对照组提升更显著.由此可见,字门拳趣味技击和武术套路练习均能提高9~10岁儿童的速度、灵敏和柔韧素质,在速度和灵敏素质方面,字门拳趣味技击练习效果更具优势. To verify the effectiveness of Zimen Boxing fun sparring practice in enhancing the physical fitness of children aged 9~10 and to explore the transmission pathways of Zimen Boxing techniques from a fitness perspective.A total of 85 students from two classes,Class 3 and Class 5in a primary school in City G were randomly selected using cluster sampling.42 students from Class 3,whose average age is 9.5 years,was designated as the experimental group,engaging in Zimen Boxing fun sparring,while 43 students from Class 5,whose average age is 9.6 years,served as the control group,practicing traditional martial arts routines.The experiment lasted for 12 weeks,with three sessions per week,each lasting one hour,emphasizing heart rate control between 120~160 beats per minute.Physical fitness data were collected using tests such as obstacle course shuttle runs,striking speed,striking power,and sit-and-reach flexibility.Before the experiment,there were no significant differences in physical fitness between the experimental and control groups(P>0.05).After the experiment,the experimental group showed significant improvements in strength,speed,agility,and flexibility,while the control group showed significant improvements in speed,agility,and flexibility,but not in strength.The experimental groups improvements in agility and speed were more pronounced than those of the control group.Both Zimen Boxing fun sparring and traditional martial arts routines can improve the speed,agility,and flexibility of 9~10 year-old children,with Zimen Boxing fun sparring showing a more significant advantage in speed and agility.
作者 宋宜清 柴广新 SONG Yiqing;CHAI Guangxin(School of Physical Education,Gannan Normal University,Ganzhou 341000,China;School of Physical Education and Health,Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University,Nanchang 330013,China)
出处 《赣南师范大学学报》 2024年第6期134-140,共7页 Journal of Gannan Normal University
基金 江西省社会科学“十三五”规划项目(20TY10) 江西省教育厅科技项目(GJJ211122)。
关键词 字门拳趣味技击 习练 9~10岁儿童 身体素质 练习效果 Zimen boxing fun sparring practice 9~10 year-old children physical fitness training effectiveness
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