

Impact of Human Settlement Satisfaction on the Household Waste Classification Behavior of Farmers——Based on the Mediating Effect of Environmental Concern
摘要 【目的/意义】推动农村生活垃圾源头分类是深化农村人居环境整治的关键,通过分析农户人居满意度对其生活垃圾分类行为的影响及内在机制,为激发农户参与生活垃圾分类的内生动力提供理论依据。【方法/过程】基于课题组2022年1—3月以及2023年6—7月在福建省福州、泉州、漳州、宁德、莆田和三明6市114个村庄收集的563户农户微观调查数据,运用二元Logit模型和有序Logit模型分别分析人居环境满意度对农户生活垃圾分类行为和环境关注度的影响效应,使用KHB中介效应模型研究人居环境满意度通过环境关注度对农户生活垃圾分类行为的间接影响机理。【结果/结论】结果表明:人居环境满意度显著提高环境关注度并促进农户的生活垃圾分类行为;环境关注度在农户人居环境满意度和生活垃圾分类行为之间起到中介作用;年龄、面子观念和地区是农户生活垃圾分类行为的显著影响因素;受教育程度和地区影响农户对环境信息的关注。据此提出将农户满意纳入农村人居环境整治工作推进机制、以提升农户环境关注度为关键、分类施教精准施策等建议。 【Objective/Meaning】Promoting the source classification of rural living garbage was the key to deepening the improvement of rural living environment.By analyzing the influence of farmers’human settlement satisfaction on their classification behavior of household waste and its internal mechanism,it would provide theoretical basis for stimulating the endogenous motivation of farmers to participate in the classification of domestic waste.【Methods/Procedures】Based on the microsurvey data of 563 peasant households collected by the research group from 114 villages of Fuzhou,Quanzhou,Zhangzhou,Ningde,Putian and Sanming in Fujian Province from January to March in 2022 and from June to July in 2023,the binary Logit model and the ordered Logit model were used to analyze the impact of human settlement satisfaction on the household waste classification behavior and environmental attention of farmers.And the KHB mediating effect model was used to study the indirect impact of human settlement satisfaction on the household waste classification behavior of farmers through the environmental concern.【Results/Conclusions】The results showed that the satisfaction of human settlement significantly improved the environmental attention and promoted the household waste classification behavior of farmers.The environmental attention played an intermediary role between the living environment satisfaction of farmers and the classification behavior of household waste.The age,face concept and region were the significant influencing factors of household waste classification behavior.The level of education and region affected the farmers’attention to environmental information.According to the research conclusions,some countermeasures were put forward including incorporating the farmers’satisfaction into the promotion mechanism of rural living environment improvement,taking enhancing the environmental attention of farmers as the key,and implementing the classified teaching and precise policies.
作者 辛俞静 黄森慰 邓珍香 徐嫚谦 XIN Yu-jing;HUANG Sen-wei;DENG Zhen-xiang;XU Man-qian(College of Public Administration and Law,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China;Research Center for Rural Development,Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences in Fujian Universities,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China)
出处 《台湾农业探索》 2024年第3期26-36,共11页 Taiwan Agricultural Research
基金 福建省创新战略研究计划联合项目(2023R0104) 福州市社会科学规划课题重点项目(2023FZB04) 福建农林大学习近平生态文明思想研究院开放课题(STWMSX23-03)。
关键词 农村生活垃圾治理 人居环境满意度 环境关注度 rural domestic waste treatment human settlement satisfaction environmental concern
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