

The Focus and Retreat of the Concept of Passivity in Marx's Texts
摘要 揭示“受动性”的科学内涵与本质规定构成马克思解读人的本质属性的重要维度和潜在线索。马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中集中论述人的感性活动的“受动性”特征,从“自然存在物”与“社会存在物”的内在统一中确证了人的本质属性;在《德意志意识形态》之后,马克思文本中的“受动性”概念较少被提及,但不能因此得出结论认定马克思“弃用”了这一“不成熟”概念,而应看到马克思摆脱了以往哲学从抽象意识领域或自然领域谈论人的受动性的狭隘思维,实现了从理论上揭示人的受动属性到实践中探寻人的受动方式的研究视域转换;在《资本论》中,马克思致力于揭露资本主义生产条件下人的能动性与受动性关系的严重失衡现象,探寻“现实的人”从异化劳动到实现自由本质的实践道路。深刻把握马克思将人的能动性与受动性统一于现实物质生产的思想真谛,可以为准确解读人的实践本质,充分发挥主体能动性提供理论指导及实践遵循。 In Marx's philosophy,hman's initiative has attracted much attention from the academic community,while its passivity has not been paid enough attention.Revealing the scientific connotation and essential provisions of“passivity”constitutes an important dimension and latent clue for Marx to interpret the essential attributes of human beings.In the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844,Marx,on the basis of continuing the study of human essence in German classical philosophy,criticized Hegel s idealist historical view of replacing perceptual man with abstract“self-consciousness”,and exposed the limitations of Feuerbach s intuition of human essence as natural objects.Based on human emotional activity to prove that human being is the unity of“natural being”and“social being”,Marx laid a theoretical foundation for a comprehensive understanding of hman's essential attributes and practical activities.After the German Ideology,the concept of passivity in Marx's texts relatively retired,but it cannot be concluded that he“abandoned”this“immature”concept:we should see that Marx got rid of the narrow thinking of talking about human passivity from the field of abstract consciousness or the field of nature.It opens the research perspective from theoretically revealing hman's subject property to exploring the subject mode of human in practice.From understanding the world to changing the world,from pure theoretical discussion to real life,Marx started from objective and tangible external conditions to explore the conditions and constraints for the realization of two-way interaction between subject and object,revealing that the exploration of human activity and passivity should not only stay in the field of speculative philosophy,but should go to the actual economic production activities,thus solving the opposition between the two in practice.In Das Kapital,Marx is committed to exposing the serious imbalance between hman's initiative and dynamic relationship under capitalist production conditions,and exploring the dynamic unity of hman's dynamic attributes in social history and practical activities.In the development stage of“dependence on things”marked by capitalist relations of production,there are different degrees of tension and opposition between man and nature,society and others.Grasping the true meaning of Marx's thought that man's activity and mobility are unified in the actual material production provides theoretical and practical guidance for accurately interpreting the essence of man's practice and using the objective environment to exert the subject's activity.Under the new historical conditions,we should fully understand Marx's scientific analysis of human mobility,grasp the essence of human practice and its vivid correlation with the real society based on the grand vision of historical materialism,constantly break through the external limitations of human mobility,and promote the organic unity of man and nature,society and history in the practice activities that fully demonstrate the subject's initiative.
作者 李艳 Li Yan
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期39-45,207,共8页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“马克思对古典自由主义的批判及其当代价值研究”(22CKS004)。
关键词 受动性 能动性 感性 实践 Passivity Initiative Practice Intuition
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