

Fracture failure analysis of 60Si2MnA steel circlip
摘要 转子部件空心轴内安装60Si2MnA钢弹性挡圈时发生断裂。为明确弹性挡圈的失效性质和原因,对弹性挡圈断口进行了宏、微观形貌观察,对原材料进行了化学成分检测,对材料显微组织和硬度进行了表征。结果表明,弹性挡圈断裂性质为氢致脆性断裂。弹性挡圈由于回火温度较低造成材料硬度较高,导致其氢脆敏感性较高,电镀时氢在材料内部的积累量增加,造成其安装过程中发生氢脆断裂。建议控制弹性挡圈热处理过程,合理降低材料硬度;控制电镀工艺,降低弹性挡圈镀锌层厚度。 Circlip broke when installed in the hollow shaft of the rotor component.Macroscopic and microscopic morphologies on the fracture surface were observed,chemical composition of the raw material was tested,and the microstructure and hardness of the material were investigated in order to find out the failure mechanism of the circlip.The results show that the failure mode of the circlip is hydrogen embrittlement fracture.The circlip has a high sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement due to its high hardness caused by low temperature tempering,and during electroplating,the accumulation of hydrogen inside the material increases,resulting in hydrogen embrittlement fracture during installation.Therefore,the heat treatment process of the circlip can be controlled to reduce the material hardness,meanwhile,the electroplating process can be controlled to reduce the thickness of the galvanized layer on the circlip.
作者 陈贺贺 刘春江 姜涛 国晨 Chen Hehe;Liu Chunjiang;Jiang Tao;Guo Chena(AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials,Beijing 100095,China;Beijing Key Laboratory of Aeronautical Materials Testing and Evaluation,Beijing 100095,China;Key Laboratory of Aeronautical Materials Testing and Evaluation,Aero Engine Corporation of China,Beijing 100095,China;Lingyun Technology Group Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan Hubei 430030,China)
出处 《金属热处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期302-307,共6页 Heat Treatment of Metals
基金 中国航发自主专项资金(ZZCX-2022-027)。
关键词 弹性挡圈 60SI2MNA钢 氢脆 硬度 镀锌层 circlip 60Si2MnA steel hydrogen embrittlement hardness galvanized layer
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