

A Preliminary Study on the Medical Exchange between Xizang and the Mainland of China in the Qing Dynasty
摘要 清代,西藏地方与祖国内地在医药方面存在颇为深入而全面的交流。文章综合各种史料认为,清代西藏地方与祖国内地医药交流主要包含以下4类活动:一、医药理论和诊疗法交流,一方面是祖国内地的一些药方和医疗方法传入西藏,特别是内地天花预防技术(人痘接种术和牛痘接种术)先后传入西藏;另一方面是藏医药理论和疗法在祖国内地得到传播与发展。二、互设医疗机构,主要体现为驻藏大臣衙门设有药房、赵尔丰在康藏开设“医药局”、张荫堂等在藏筹办卫生局及祖国内地藏传佛教寺院创建曼巴札仓。三、互派医生诊治疾病,不仅清朝皇帝数次派医生为达赖喇嘛看病,且一些西藏医生也被派往祖国内地诊治疾病。四、药物药材交流,即一些名贵的药物和药材通过赏赐、进贡、贸易等途径在西藏与祖国内地之间互通有无。总之,清代西藏地方与祖国内地医药交流呈现出高度双向互动的特征,表明西藏地方与祖国内地之间的联系日益紧密,产生了较为重要的历史作用和深远影响。 In the Qing Dynasty,there was a rich and comprehensive exchange of medicine between Xizang and the mainland of China.Based on various historical materials,the article believes that the medical exchange between Xizang and the mainland in the Qing Dynasty mainly included the following four types of activities:first,the exchange of medical theories and diagnosis and treatment methods.On the one hand,some prescriptions and medical methods from the mainland were introduced into Xizang,especially the smallpox prevention technology(human pox inoculation and cowpox inoculation)from the mainland were introduced into Xizang;on the other hand,Tibetan medical theories and treatments were spread and developed in the mainland.Second,the establishment of medical institutions on each other's side,mainly reflected in the establishment of a pharmacy in the office of the Grand Minister Resident of Xizang,the establishment of a“medical bureau”by Zhao Erfeng in the Khams region,the establishment of a health bureau in Xizang by Zhang Yintang and others,and the establishment of sMan pa Grwa tshang by Tibetan Buddhist temples in the mainland.Third,the mutual dispatch of doctors to diagnose and treat diseases.Not only did the Qing emperors send doctors to treat the Dalai Lama several times,but some Tibetan doctors were also sent to the mainland to diagnose and treat diseases.Fourth,the exchange of medicines and medicinal materials,that is,some precious medicines and medicinal materials were exchanged between Xizang and the mainland through rewards,tributes,trade,etc.In short,the medical exchanges between Xizang and the mainland in the Qing Dynasty showed a highly two-way interactive feature,indicating that the connection between Xizang and the mainland was increasingly close,which played a relatively important historical role and had a far-reaching impact.
作者 陈强强 CHEN Qiang-qiang
出处 《中国藏学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期28-35,213,共9页 China Tibetology
基金 西藏自治区哲学社会科学专项基金项目“西藏与祖国内地科学技术交流史研究”(项目编号:20CMZ02)阶段性成果。
关键词 清代 西藏地方 祖国内地 医药 交流 Qing Dynasty Xizang Mainland of China Medicine Exchange
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