As the spillover effects of political polarization increasingly infiltrate the field of education, the ideological and policy disagreements between the Democratic and Republican parties on educational reform are intensifying, focusing on two main threads. One is the controversy over “Critical Race Theory” in history teaching, with the Democratic Party embracing multiculturalism and the Republican Party adhering to an authoritarian patriotic education based on “American Exceptionalism.” The other is the debate over power boundaries between parents and the government in school education, with the Republican Party advocating for the expansion of “parents' rights” and the Democratic Party viewing education as a public interest and social welfare that transcends individual rights. The political logic behind the emergence of educational issues involves the catalysis of electoral politics, the political game-playing between the two parties, power conflicts between the federal, state, and local governments, as well as pressure by interest groups and the comprehensive rightward shift of the Supreme Court. Political polarization not only reduces the quality of public education in various states and endangers talent cultivation but also challenges mainstream values at the macro level and weakens the public's identification with the nation.
The Journal of International Studies