

A Study on the English Translation of Cultural-Loaded Words in Festive China from the Perspective of"Three Dimensions"of Eco-Translatology
摘要 《话说中国节》是一部由China Daily出版的介绍中国传统节日和节气的短视频纪录片,视频以虚实结合的手段介绍了中国的传统文化,起到了很好的外宣效果。其字幕中含有众多的文化负载词,其翻译方法也可为其他纪录片提供借鉴。该文基于生态翻译学理论,从语言维、文化维和交际维对《话说中国节》字幕中的文化负载词进行分析,发现《话说中国节》的字幕翻译很好地切合了生态翻译学的“三维”,有效地传递了纪录片中的重要文化内涵,可为中国纪录片中文化负载词的英译研究提供借鉴,讲好中国故事,传播中国声音,助推中国文化“走出去”。 Festive China is a short video documentary published by China Daily introducing traditional Chinese festivals and solar term.The video introduces traditional Chinese culture by means of a combination of virtual and real,which serves as a good foreign propaganda effect.Its subtitles contain numerous culture-loaded words,the translation method of which can be a reference for other documentaries.Based on the theory of eco-translatology,this paper analyses the cultural-loaded words in the subtitles of Festive China in terms of linguistic,cultural and communicative dimensions,and finds that the subtitle translation of Festive China meets the three dimensions of eco-ranslatology very well,and effectively conveys the important cultural connotations in the documentary,which can provide a useful tool for the study of the English translation of cultural-loaded words in Chinese documentaries.It can provide a reference for the English translation of Chinese documentaries and tell China's stories well,make the voice of China heard,and help promote Chinese culture to go abroad.
作者 郑泽彦 周洁 刘明录 ZHENG Zeyan;ZHOU Jie;LIU Minglu(College of Foreign Studies,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin Guangxi,541004,China)
出处 《文化创新比较研究》 2024年第28期25-28,共4页 Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation
关键词 生态翻译学 《话说中国节》 传统文化 文化负载词 字幕翻译 节日节气 Eco-translatology Festive China Traditional Chinese culture Culture-loaded words Subtitle translation Festivals and solar term
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