

Design Key Points of Pipe Network Extension for Integration of Urban and Rural Water Supply in County
摘要 城镇供水管网延伸至农村是实现城乡供水一体化的重要手段之一,但是农村居民的用水特点与城镇用水有较大差别,加之管网覆盖范围的增大,因此管道延伸工程中出现如何合理确定管道流量、维持管网余氯和保障水压等新问题。以A县的城乡供水一体化管网延伸工程为例,从水量确定、余氯维持和水压保障等三个方面对管网延伸工程设计中存在的设计要点进行了探讨,并给出了相应的解决措施。例如,采用高日高时流量法和设计秒流量法相结合的方法确定管道设计流量;利用余氯衰减动力学公式判断管网中余氯消耗的规律,从而确定水厂余氯建议值以及补氯设施设置位置;设置小型水箱+一体化泵站解决末端水压不足的问题,当静水压超过60 m时建议设置减压阀保证阀后管道及卫生器具安全。 The extension of urban water supply pipe network to rural areas is one of the important means to achieve integration of urban and rural water supply.The significant differences in water usage patterns between rural and urban residents and the expansion of the water supply area have brought about new challenges in determining pipeline flow rates,maintaining residual chlorine in pipelines,and water pressure guarantees for the design of pipeline extensions.Taking the rural-urban integrated water supply pipe network extension project in Country A as an example,this paper discusses the key design points in the design of the network extension from three aspects:water volume determination,residual chlorine maintenance,and water pressure assurance,and provides corresponding solutions.For instance,this paper investigates the combined use of the maximum daily and hourly peak flow and the design peak flow in the building water supply to predict the pipeline design flow.It also proposes the use of a chlorine decay kinetics formula to judge the chlorine consumption pattern in the water supply pipe network,thereby determining the recommended residual chlorine value in finished water of waterworks and the location of supplementary chlorination facilities.Furthermore,it clarifies the use of small water tanks and integrated pumping stations to address insufficient water pressure at the endpoints of a pipeline,and suggests the installation of pressure-reducing valves to ensure the safety of pipelines and sanitary appliances when the static water pressure exceeds 60 meters.
作者 向帆 马宗凯 邱彬彬 XIANG Fan;MA Zong-kai;QIU Bin-bin(PowerChina Chengdu Engineering Corporation Limited,Chengdu 610000,China;Sichuan Province Engineering Technology Research Center of Municipal Water Environment Treatment,Chengdu 610000,China)
出处 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第22期47-52,共6页 China Water & Wastewater
关键词 城乡供水 管网延伸 设计秒流量 余氯 一体化泵站 urban and rural water supply water supply pipe network extension design peak flow residual chlorine integrated pumping station
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