

Transformation of Dietary Cultural Production of She Ethnic Group Under Tourism Impact:Perspectives of Cultural Production and Adaptation
摘要 旅游业的发展影响畲族饮食文化的现代化转型。文章从文化生产与文化适应的双重视角研究发现,旅游业不仅促进了畲族饮食文化的传播(文化转型),还深刻改变了其生产要素、生产场域和模式(文化的生产转型),推动了文化形态的创新及市场竞争力的提升。然而,这一进程亦伴随着风险,特别是在追求广泛接受度的过程中,畲族饮食文化面临着同质化的威胁,并受到过度商业化的冲击,非传统食品的过量生产侵蚀了文化的原生态。为应对这些挑战,可以通过文化教育与宣传、行业规范与认证、技艺传承与创新等平衡策略,以维护畲族饮食文化的独特性并促进其在现代社会中的可持续发展。 The development of tourism has impact on the modernization transformation of dietary culture of She ethnic group.From the dual perspectives of cultural production and adaptation,the article finds that tourism not only facilitates the dissemination of dietary culture(cultural transformation)of She ethnic group but also profoundly changes its production elements,venues,and modes(transformation of cultural production),promoting innovation in cultural forms and enhancing market competitiveness.However,there are also risks in this process.Particularly,in the pursuit of widespread acceptance dietary culture of She ethnic group faces the threat of homogenization and it also suffers from the impact of over-commercialization as well as the overproduction of non-traditional foods,which erodes cultural authenticity.To address these challenges,we can employ a range of balancing strategies such as cultural education and publicity,industry standards and certification,and skill inheritance and innovation to preserve the uniqueness of dietary culture of She ethnic group and promote its sustainable development in contemporary society.
作者 李艺 LI Yi(College of Tourism&Health,Lishui Vocational and Technical College,Lishui 323000,Zhejiang)
出处 《丽水学院学报》 2024年第6期8-14,共7页 Journal of Lishui University
基金 丽水市哲学社会科学常规课题“‘诗画浙江·百县千碗’丽水饮食文化的深度挖掘与区域文化融合的策略研究”(LACG202405)。
关键词 畲族饮食文化生产 旅游影响 生产转型 文化产业化 dietary cultural production of She ethnic group tourism impact production transformation cultural industrialization
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