目的:检索文献数据库,筛选中药治疗成人哮喘的有效组方,基于关联规则、因子分析和聚类分析探讨其用药规律。方法:检索“哮喘”“中药”“中药复方”“asthma”等关键词,排除“儿童”“患儿”“婴幼儿”及“实验动物”等关键词,筛选有效中药组方。使用Excel 2016软件建立数据库,统计分析药性、药味、归经及中药分类等。SPSS Statistics 26.0软件用于高频中药因子分析及层次聚类分析,使用SPSS Modeler 18.0软件分析所用中药的相关规则,进行Apriori运算,筛选配方中的核心药对,以研究中药治疗成人哮喘的用药规律。结果:检索获得中药有效组方总计105个,涉及159味中药,使用频次≥15次的中药有18味,累计使用频次达504次(占48.14%),使用频次≥30次的中药由高至低分别为甘草(60次)、麻黄(44次)、半夏(42次)、杏仁(37次)、地龙(33次)、茯苓(32次),剂型以汤剂为最多(63次)。药物使用温性药最多,累计频率为41.03%,其次为寒性药;药味以苦味、辛味及甘味居多,占总药味的84.58%;多以归入肺、肝、脾经为主;药类频次由高到低分别为补虚药(239)、解表药(177)、止咳平喘药(133)、化痰药(125)。通过高频中药的因子分析得出6个因子,聚类分析则提取出5个聚类,关联规则分析得出麻黄与甘草共现频率最高为32次,二联中药关联规则有5种,三联中药关联规则有18种,四联中药关联规则有16种。结论:治疗成人哮喘常以补虚药、解表药等为主,麻黄、甘草及半夏为常用药,所得关联规则可揭示其用药规律,可为中药治疗成人哮喘临床处方选择及新药开发提供参考。
Objective:To search various literature databases to screen the effective formulations of Chinese medicine for treating adult asthma,and to explore the rule of medication based on association rules,factor analysis and cluster analysis.Methods:The keywords“asthma”“Chinese medicine”,and“Chinese medicine compound”were searched,and the keywords“children”“infants”,and“experimental animals”were excluded,and the effective Chinese medicine prescriptions were screened.Excel 2016 software was used to establish a database for statistical analysis of properties,tastes,classics,and classification of traditional Chinese medicine.SPSS Statistics 26.0 software was used for high-frequency factor analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis of traditional Chinese medicine.SPSS Modeler 18.0 software was used to analyze the relevant rules of traditional Chinese medicine used.Apriori operation was to select the core drug pairs in the formula to study the drug use rule of traditional Chinese medicine.Results:105 effective Chinese medicine prescriptions were obtained,involving 159 Chinese medicines,and 18 Chinese medicines were used more than or equal to 15 times,with a cumulative frequency of 504 times(48.14%).From high to low,licorice(60 times),ephedra(44 times),pinellia(42 times),almond(37 times),Dielong(33 times),and Tuckaia(32 times)were used more frequently than 30 times,and decoction was the most common dosage form(63 times).The cumulative frequency of warm drugs was 41.03%,followed by cold drugs.The medicinal tastes were mainly bitter,spicy,and sweet,accounting for 84.58%of the total medicinal tastes.Most of them were classified into lung,liver and spleen channels.From high to low,the frequency of drugs was deficiency tonifying drugs(239),antipyretic drugs(177),cough antiasthma tic drugs(133)and expectorant drugs(125).Six factors were obtained from the factor analysis of high frequency Chinese medicine,and five clusters were extracted from the cluster analysis.The association rule analysis showed that the highest co-occurrence frequency of ephedra and licorice was 32 times,and there were 5 kinds of association rules of double Chinese medicine,18 kinds of association rules of triple Chinese medicine,and 16 kinds of association rules of quadruple Chinese medicine.Conclusion:Deficiency tonifying and antipyretic drugs are the main drugs in treating adult asthma.Ephedra,licorice and pinellia ternata are the common drugs.The obtained association rules can reveal the rules of their use,and provide a reference for selection of clinical prescription and new drugs to treat adult asthma.
Lyu Zhiyang;Cong Mengyu;Wang Qian;Yang Yuwei;Chen Hong(Heilongjiang Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Harbin 150036,China;Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine Hanlin College,Taizhou 225300,China)
Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
Adult Asthma
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Medication Rule
Data Mining