为探明减少叶源(“减源”)对密植条件下玉米光合性能和产量的影响,以临朐县主要栽培玉米品种隆平206为试验材料,采用单因素随机区组试验设计,共设置4种不同减源强度处理,对不同减源处理后玉米群体透光率、穗位叶光合速率和产量变化进行测定分析。结果表明:不同减源处理下基部透光率要低于穗位叶透光率,同一冠层下的透光率随着叶片去除量的增加而增加;适量减少玉米叶源可以提升玉米灌浆期穗位叶净光合速率,而过量减少叶源在一定时间会提高穗位叶净光合速率,但后面会迅速降低,不利于光合产物的累积;不同减源处理下,玉米有效穗数、穗粒数、百粒质量和产量在RL2处理下取得最大值,分别为10.34×10^(4)穗/hm^(2)、429.55粒/穗、33.42 g和13945.29 kg/hm^(2)。因此,在临朐地区密植条件下玉米种植生产中,推荐去除2片叶源效果最好。
In order to investigate the effect of leaf source reduction on the photosynthetic performance and yield of maize under dense planting conditions,the main local cultivated maize variety Longping 206 was used as the experimental material,a single fac-tor random block experimental design was adopted,and a total of 4 different source reduction intensity treatments were set up.The changes of light transmittance,photosynthetic rate of ear position and yield of maize population after different source reduction treat-ments were measured and analyzed.The results showed that the light transmittance of base was lower than that of ear leaf under dif-ferent source reduction treatments,and the light transmittance of same canopy increased with the increase of leaf removal amount.The net photosynthetic rate of maize leaf at ear position could be increased by reducing the leaf source at an appropriate amount,while the net photosynthetic rate of maize leaf at ear position could be increased by reducing the leaf source at an excessive amount at a certain time,but it would decrease rapidly later,which was not conducive to the accumulation of photosynthetic products.Under different source reduction treatments,the maximum value of effective ear number,kernel number per ear,mass of 100 grains and yield of maize were 10.34×10^(4)ears/hm^(2),429.55 grains/ear,33.42 g and 13945.29 kg/hm^(2),respectively,under RL2 treatment.There-fore,it is recommended to remove 2 leaf sources for maize planting and production under dense planting conditions in Linqu area.
Li Li(Linqu Government Service Center,Linqu 262600,Shandong,China)
Agricultural Technology & Equipment
leaf source reduction
photosynthetic performance