

The Effect of Ionic Strength on the Rheological Properties of Slag Paste
摘要 矿渣水泥具有耐侵蚀、经济性好、可有效消耗固废等优点,已被广泛应用于各类海工构筑物建造中。不同离子强度环境对矿渣水泥浆液流变特性具有重要影响。文中设置不同离子环境,测试矿渣水泥浆液流变特性参数,分析离子环境对流变参数的影响机制。结果表明,离子强度越大,不同水胶比下矿渣水泥浆液流动度均越大。不同水胶比矿渣水泥浆液,环境离子强度越大,其流动度及流变参数的差异越小。在不同水胶比情况下,离子强度对矿渣水泥浆液流变特性影响规律类似。当离子强度由0增加到1时,浆液黏度急剧减小,继续增加离子强度,黏度衰减趋向缓慢。随着离子强度增加,浆液屈服应力随之降低,且呈线性衰减趋势。浆液Zeta电位绝对值与离子浓度之间大致呈现线性变化规律,且浆液离子浓度越高Zeta电位绝对值也就越高。 Slag paste has been widely used in the construction of various types of offshore structures due to its erosion resistance,economy and effective consumption of solid waste.Different ionic strength environments have important effects on the rheological properties of slag cement slurry.In this paper,we test the rheological characteristic parameters of slag cement slurry by setting different ionic environments and analyze the influence mechanism of ionic environments on rheological parameters.The results show that the larger the ionic strength,the larger the fluidity of slag cement slurry under different water cement ratios.For slag cement slurries with different water cement ratios,the larger the ionic strength of the environment,the smaller and smaller the differences in fluidity and rheological parameters.In the case of different water-to-cement ratio,the ionic strength of slag cement slurry rheological characteristics of the influence of the law is similar.When the ionic strength is increased from 0 to 1,the viscosity of the slurry decreases sharply,and when the ionic strength continues to increase,the viscosity decay tends to be slow.With the increase of ionic strength,the yield stress of the slurry decreased and showed a linear decay trend.The absolute value of zeta potential of slurry and ionic concentration roughly show a linear change rule,and the higher the ionic concentration of slurry the higher the absolute value of zeta potential.
作者 王猛 Wang Meng(China Railway Eighteenth Bureau Group Third Engineering Co.Ltd.,Zhuozhou,Hebei 072750)
出处 《江西建材》 2024年第8期32-34,共3页
基金 中铁十八局集团科技研发项目《浅埋大跨暗挖车站围岩稳定性分析及注浆控制技术研究项目》(项目编号:1410024014)。
关键词 矿渣水泥 离子强度 流变特性 流动度 Slag paste Ionic strength Rheological properties Flowability
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