为探析深基坑施工对浅基础房屋变形的影响,文中以软土地区基坑工程为例,对基坑施工过程中自身支护结构变形及力学响应、邻近浅基础房屋沉降量时程演变规律进行分析,并揭示沉降变形机理。实践发现,基坑自身结构变形及力学响应均先增加后趋于稳定,且均在超过设计预警值范围内;基坑施工完毕后,邻近房屋的变形依然持续且高于施工过程中的变形量;最终邻近房屋沉降量均值为276 mm,房屋建筑倾斜累计变化量均值为5.5‰,超过规范中的允许值,因此需及时邻近建筑及周边地表土层进行加固处理。
In order to explore the influence of deep foundation pit construction on the deformation of shallow foundation houses,this paper takes foundation pit engineering in soft soil area as an example,analyzes the deformation and mechanical response of its own supporting structure and the time-history evolution of settlement of adjacent shallow foundation houses during foundation pit construction,and reveals the settlement deformation mechanism.Through practice,it is found that the structural deformation and mechanical response of foundation pit itself increase first and then tend to be stable,and both are within the range of over-design warning value.After the completion of foundation pit construction,the deformation of adjacent houses is still continuous and higher than that in the construction process.In the end,the average settlement amount of neighboring houses was 276 mm,and the average cumulative variation amount of building incline was 5.5‰,which exceeded the allowable value in the code.Therefore,it was necessary to strengthen the adjacent buildings and the surrounding topsoil layer in time.
Chen Ximing(Fengmao Engineering Management Co.Ltd.,Quanzhou Yushawan Group,Quanzhou,Fujian 362124)
Soft soil area
Foundation pit engineering
Monitoring technology
Building settlement
Deformation control