

Evaluation of teicoplanin rationality pattern based on the SWARA-TOPSIS method
摘要 目的 考察替考拉宁临床使用合理性。方法 选取2020年10月至2022年12月使用替考拉宁的病历资料,依据药品说明书、指南、相关文献资料及专家意见细分出4个一级评价指标、11个二级评价指标,采用逐步加权评估分析比率法(SWARA)确定各评价指标权重,运用赋权后的逼近理想解排序(TOPSIS)法对病历进行点评,综合评价替考拉宁临床使用合理性。结果 根据SWARA法计算的权重中占比较高的是适应证、用法用量及给药方式(权重分别为0.273、0.188及0.139)。结合赋权TOPSIS法点评的100份病历中,使用合理的有35份(占35.00%),使用基本合理的有29份(占29.00%)及不合理的有36份(占36.00%)。结论 采用SWARA-TOPSIS相结合的方法对替考拉宁临床使用进行综合评价,反映出临床使用过程中仍存在一定问题,应进一步加强管理,促进其合理正确使用。 AIM To assess the adequacy of published Cochrane systematic reviews and clinical pharmacist intervention randomized controlled trial(RCT)reports included in China National Knowledge Infrastructure using the Template for Intervention Description and Replication(TIDieR)checklist,so as to identify areas for improvement,assist clinical pharmacists to design RCTs of pharmaceutical care more effectively,and improve the quality of intervention reports.METHODS A secondary analysis was conducted on the studies included in Cochrane systematic reviews that evaluated the impact of drug intervention measures on the outcomes of hospitalized patients,and RCTs of clinical pharmacist intervention reports published in CNKI over the past 5 years were searched.The completeness of reporting was independently assessed by 2 researchers using the 15 items from the TIDieR checklist.RESULTS A total of 91studies were included in the analysis.The study sample sizes ranged from 47 patients to 330 patients.The included studies involved diverse intervention methods,among which medication education(46 studies,50.55%),patient-oriented studies(58 studies,63.74%),and cardiovascular disease-related studies(25 studies,27.47%)were the most common.None of the studies reported on all checklist items.Among the 15 items,none reached a reporting rate of 100%,while only items 2a and 5b had detailed reporting rates exceeding 80%.The items with reporting rates below 20%were item 5a(18.68%),item 5c(13.19%),item 9(4.40%),and item 10(5.49%).Principal component analysis showed that the description of intervention implementation methods(items 3,4,6,7,and 8)and the background and training of intervention implementers(items 5a and 5c)had a greater impact on report quality.CONCLUSION The overall quality of reporting in published RCTs on pharmaceutical care requires enhancement,particularly focusing on the adequacy,completeness,and detail of the intervention measures.In the future,researchers can refer to the TIDieR checklist requirements when designing and writing clinical pharmacy intervention reports to ensure a thorough and detailed account of the complete intervention details.Thus,the credibility and replicability of research can be improved,and the standardized development of clinical pharmacy services can be promoted.
作者 黄磊 张琳琳 王红霞 吴慧 胡晔 尹存林 HUANG Lei;ZHANG Linlin;WANG Hongxia;WU Hui;HU Ye;YIN Cunlin(Department of Pharmacy,Yancheng No.1 People'Hospital,Affiliated Hospital of Medical School,Nanjing University,Yancheng 224005,China)
出处 《中国临床药学杂志》 CAS 2024年第10期746-750,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
基金 江苏省药学会-天晴医院药学科研项目(编号Q202153)。
关键词 替考拉宁 逐步加权评估分析比率法 逼近理想解排序法 合理用药 teicoplanin stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis techinque for order preference by similarity to ideal solution rational use of drug
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