

Analysis on Application Effects of Standardized Teaching in Chest Trauma Patients
摘要 标准化教学可通过结构化的教育教学程序,提升医学生对于胸部创伤处理的临床能力,确保医学生在紧急情况下能够迅速有效地施以正确的医疗措施。胸部创伤患者的急救处理要求医生具备高度的专业知识和快速的决策能力。医学生是临床医生的后备军,也是未来胸部创伤急救领域的重要救治者。以120名医学生为调查对象,将标准化教学应用于胸部创伤患者急救处理的教学中,从教学实施方法、教学效果和需要注意的问题等方面进行了系统的分析和探讨。通过分析标准化教学前后医学生在理论知识和实践技能方面的考核成绩发现,120名医学生的理论知识水平和实践技能成绩均获得了显著提升。根据医学生自评和教师评价反馈,得出实施标准化教学后学生在自信心、临床决策能力及团队合作精神方面明显增强。 Standardized teaching through structured educational programs can enhance clinical skills in the management of thoracic trauma in medicine,ensuring that medical students can quickly,effectively,and appropriately take the correct medical measures in emergency situations.The emergency management of patients with thoracic trauma requires a high degree of expertise and rapid decision-making.Medical students are the reserve army of clinicians and an important healer in the field of thoracic trauma emergency in the future.In this paper,the standardized teaching was applied to the first aid treatment of thoracic trauma patients by 120 medical students,and the teaching implementation methods,teaching effects and problems that need attention were systematically analyzed and discussed.By analyzing the assessment results of students in theoretical knowledge and practical skills before and after standardized teaching,it was found that the theoretical knowledge level and practical skills of 120 medical students were significantly improved(p<0.05).Students’self-evaluation and teachers’evaluation showed that students’self-confidence,clinical decision-making ability and teamwork spirit were significantly enhanced after teaching.
作者 胡斌 朱祎曜 柳林 HU Bin;ZHU Yi-yao;LIU Lin(Department of Thoracic Surgery,The Affiliated Wuxi Peoples’Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Wuxi,Jiangsu 214023,China)
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2024年第43期133-136,共4页 Education And Teaching Forum
关键词 胸部创伤 急救处理 标准化教学 临床处理能力 chest trauma emergency management standardized teaching clinical management skills
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