Construction organizations have a common practice to purchase and to deliver required materials to construction sitesabout one month before activities start. This leads to uneconomical inventory on site and contractors’ warehouses. Thispaper investigates the feasibility in implementing material management in construction. United Kingdom and HongKong are selected for the investigation as one has a long implementation period and another one is just implementingmaterial management as noted by interviewed contractors. Questionnaires and structured interviews are conducted.It is found that United Kingdom construction industry benefi ts are more signifi cant than that in Hong Kong. Thiscan stimulate interests in implementing material management in Hong Kong. Respondents from Hong Kong claimedthat their companies will be willing to implement material management where practicable. This study can also helpcountries currently implementing material management. From that, waste generation can be reduced and a greenconstruction environment can be achieved. Recommendations to improve the implementation are also discussed.