

Research Hotspots and Frontier Trends of the Sense of Community Education for the Chinese Nation--Based on CiteSpace Visual Analysis
摘要 自中华民族共同体意识教育正式提出后,相关学术成果呈大幅增长的态势。利用CiteSpace可视化分析软件,对中华民族共同体意识教育研究的机构、作者、热点、前沿趋势与问题等进行探究发现,发文机构以高校为主,研究者相对分散、尚未形成密切的合作关系,现有研究主要聚焦于中华民族共同体意识教育的内涵、逻辑、价值、路径、机制等热点问题,并呈现出从理论探索到实践探索再到理论与实践不断深化的发展趋势。但同时,现有研究也存在着研究内容偏重宏观理论探讨、研究对象还需进一步扩大、研究视角相对单一、研究方法多以定性研究为主等问题。在未来研究中,中华民族共同体意识教育在研究内容上应注重宏观与微观相结合,研究对象上应做到全覆盖,研究视角上应加强多学科与跨学科研究,研究方法上应注重定性研究与定量研究相结合等。 Since the sense of community education for the Chinese nation was formally put forward,the related academic achievements have shown a significant growth.By using CiteSpace visual analysis software,this paper explored the institutions,authors,hot spots,frontier trends and problems of the sense of community education for the Chinese nation,and found that the publishing institutions are mainly universities,while the researchers are relatively dispersed and have not yet formed a close cooperative relationship.The existing research mainly focuses on the hot issues such as the connotation,logic,value,path and mechanism of the sense of community education for the Chinese nation,and presents the development trend from theoretical exploration to practical exploration and then to the deepening of theory and practice.However,at the same time,there are also some problems in the existing research,such as focusing on macroscopic theory,further expanding research objects,relatively single research perspective,and mainly qualitative research methods.mIn the future research,the research content of the sense of community education for the Chinese nation should pay attention to the combination of macro and micro,the research object should be fully covered,the research perspective should strengthen multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research,and the research method should pay attention to the combination of qualitative research and quantitative research.
作者 何文栋 王喜娟 He Wendong;Wang Xijuan
机构地区 广西民族大学
出处 《北京青年研究》 2024年第6期10-21,共12页 Beijing Youth Research
基金 2022年“广西高等学校千名中青年骨干教师培育计划”广西中青年教师骨干计划课题“新形势下中国—东盟教育合作机制深化研究”(项目编号:301640510)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 中华民族共同体意识教育 CITESPACE 知识图谱 the sense of community education for the Chinese nation CiteSpace knowledge graph
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