

Design of biological laboratory safety supervision system based on Internet of Things technology
摘要 目的:针对生物实验室的风险管理存在智能化水平低、监管效率低、信息处置滞后、信息传输安全无法保证等问题,设计一种基于物联网技术的生物实验室安全监管系统。方法:该系统由实验室端(“生安眼”设备)、监管端(“生安眼”系统)与展示端(生物实验室数智监管平台)组成。其中,“生安眼”设备采用磁盘冗余阵列技术、全磁盘加密技术等保障实验室所有监管数据的安全存储,并通过内置的采用HLink融智多传感器智能态势感知技术设计的SafeStation生物安全边缘计算业务平台实现数据的分析、计算、判断等;“生安眼”系统采用浏览器/服务器(Browser/Server,B/S)架构设计,通过“生安眼”设备和预留的后台调用接口实现与现有或新部署系统的数据交互;生物实验室数智监管平台基于Java EE 11技术规范设计,其架构采用RESTful风格路由控制和对象关系映射(object relational mapping,ORM)框架进行设计。整个系统通过虚拟专用网络技术、安全隧道技术、安全套接层(secure sockets layer,SSL)隧道加密技术等实现数据传输及通信安全。结果:采用该系统可对生物实验室的安全监管要素进行数据实时采集、存储、分析、预警及事后追溯,提升了生物实验室的安全监管水平。结论:该系统可全面提升生物实验室的安全管理水平,有效提高生物实验室的安全风险防范能力。 Objective To design an Internet of Things(IOT)-based safety supervision system for biological laboratories to solve the problemes of their risk management in intellectualization,supervision,information processing and transmission security.Methods The safety supervision system was composed of a laboratory terminal(Sheng'An Eye devices),a supervision terminal(Sheng'An system)and a display terminal(biological laboratory digital intelligent supervision platform).Sheng'An Eye devices used the technologies of redundant array of independant discs and full disc encryption for safe storage of the regulatory laboratory data,and a built-in SafeStation biosafety edge computing operation platform developed with HLink Rongzhi multi-sensor intelligent situation awareness technology for data analysis,calculation and determination;Sheng'An system was designed with B/S architecture,which implemented data interaction with the existing or newly deployed systems with Sheng'An Eye devices and the reserved backend calling interface;the biological laboratory digital and intelligent supervision system was developed based on Java EE 11 techincal specification,whose architecture was designed with the RESTful routing controller and object relational mapping(ORM)framework.The system developed realized data transmission and communication security with virtual private network technolgy,secure tunneling technology and secure socket layer tunnel encryption technology.Results The system developed facilitated data real-time collection,storage,analysis,early warning and post traceability for related elements,so as to enhance the safety supervision of biological laboratories.Conclusion The system developed effectively enhances the safety managment and safety risk prevention of biological laboratories.
作者 高颜超 胡雪利 陈伟 顾华 GAO Yan-chao;HU Xue-li;CHEN Wei;GU Hua(Hangzhou Institute of Medicine,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Hangzhou 310020,China;Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hangzhou 310053,China;Yinhu Laboratory Technology and Equipment Research Institute,Hangzhou 311421,China;Zhejiang Evaluation Center for Medical Service and Administration,Hangzhou 310003)
出处 《医疗卫生装备》 CAS 2024年第12期39-44,共6页 Chinese Medical Equipment Journal
基金 浙江省“尖兵领雁”计划重大社会公益项目(2022C03124)。
关键词 物联网 生物实验室 实验室安全 实验室安全监管 风险管理 Internet of Things biological laboratory laboratory safety laboratory safety supervision risk management
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