

Influence Mechanism of Perceived Team Overqualification on Team Innovation Performance
摘要 资质过剩感作为一种不充分就业现象,受到组织行为学领域学者的广泛关注。随着团队协作逐渐成为企业重要的工作模式,从团队层面进行资质过剩感的研究成为新的研究方向。根据集体行动社会认同模型,本文从“认同-效能”的角度探究团队资质过剩感对团队创新绩效的作用机制,并从环境动态性视角考察这一影响过程的调节效应;进一步,以72个工作团队351名员工的配对数据作为研究样本进行实证检验。研究发现,团队认同和创造性集体效能在团队资质过剩感和团队创新绩效间起到链式中介作用,环境动态性在这一关系中发挥调节作用。本文的研究揭示了资质过剩感在团队层面的影响,对如何将高能力团队的人力资本转化为企业创新价值具有理论和实践意义。 In the past three decades,perceived overqualification has received increased attention from scholars.Existing research mainly focuses on the negative work attitudes and behaviors caused by perceived overqualification,with little exploration of the potential positive effects of overqualification.Furthermore,scholars have explored the influence of perceived overqualification at the individual level,with little research focusing on the team level.Teamwork increasingly emerges as a vital mechanism for value creation within companies,making it appealing to scholars to carry out perceived overqualification research at this level.This paper suggests that when individuals perceive higher qualifications of team members,their sense of deprivation decreases and they tend to classify themselves as part of an elite team,thus exhibiting higher performance.In other words,perceived overqualification provides a basis for team members to divide their identities.When perceived overqualification becomes a team identity that team members unanimously agree on,in order to pursue a positive self-image,team members have higher initiative and will strive to improve team performance and external evaluation.Adequate knowledge level also enhances the team’s sense of efficacy in completing creative tasks,which is in line with the social identity model of collective action(SIMCA).This model integrates social identity theory and self-categorization theory,elucidating the role of group identity and group efficacy in promoting collective action.In addition,the uncertainty-identity theory suggests that an individual’s need to reduce uncertainty is an important reason for seeking identification with a specific type of social identity.Based on the SIMCA,this paper conducts an empirical test with 351 paired data from 72 work teams to explore the influence mechanism of perceived team overqualification on team innovation performance from the perspective of identification-efficacy and examines the moderating effect of environmental dynamism.The findings reveal that perceived team overqualification positively influences team identification.Moreover,team identification mediates the relationship between perceived team overqualification and collective creative efficacy;team identification and collective creative efficacy exert a chain mediating effect between perceived team overqualification and team innovation performance.Additionally,environmental dynamism moderates not only the relationship between perceived team overqualification and team identification but also the chain mediating effect between perceived team overqualification and team innovation performance.These conclusions enrich previous research on perceived overqualification at the team level,providing theoretical and practical implications on how to transform the human capital of high-performing teams into innovation value.
作者 褚福磊 刘园园 刘淑桢 CHU Fuei;LIU Yuanyuan;LIU Shuzhen(Capital University of Economics and Business,Beijing 100070;Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024;Beijing Union University,Beijing 100101)
出处 《经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第12期127-141,共15页 Research on Economics and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“高可靠性组织正向事件涌现、意义建构与跨层次溢出效应研究”(72072121) 北京市教育委员会科研计划项目“北京传统制造业数字化转型过程中组织惯性的双元破解策略研究”(SM202311417002)。
关键词 团队资质过剩感 团队认同 创造性集体效能 团队创新绩效 环境动态性 perceived team overqualification team identification creative collective efficacy team innovation performance environmental dynamism
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