

Building a Comprehensive Model to Measure Multidimensional Patterns:Review of International Impact of China’s Humanities and Social Sciences Outputs
摘要 [目的/意义]目前中国人文社科成果的国际影响力评价研究尚不成熟,缺乏完善的评价体系。2022年11月,中国社会科学出版社出版了武汉大学杨思洛教授等所著《中国人文社科成果的国际影响力研究》一书,对推动中国人文社科成果的国际影响力评价研究有一定意义。[方法/过程]从多个角度深入分析该书的研究意义和特点。[结果/结论]《中国人文社科成果的国际影响力研究》较系统、深入地分析了中国人文社科领域学术成果的国际影响力,全方位揭示了近年来中国人文社科成果的国际影响力现状,分析了形成机理并构建了评价模型,提出了中国人文社科成果国际影响力的提升对策。该书是中国人文社科成果评价领域的重要研究成果,具有以下三个特点:高屋建瓴,开拓中国人文社科成果评价新局面;融汇众长,多维度剖析中国人文社科成果国际影响力;逻辑严谨,构建科学的中国人文社科成果评价体系。 [Purpose/significance]At present,the evaluation of the international influence of Chinese humanities and social science achievements is not mature,and there is a lack of a perfect evaluation system.In November 2022,China Social Sciences Press published the book entitled International Impact of China’s Humanities and Social Sciences Outputs written by professor Yang Siluo and other authors from Wuhan University,which has a certain significance for promoting the international influence evaluation of Chinese humanities and social science achievements.[Method/process]This study deeply analyzes the research significance and characteristics of the book from multiple perspectives.[Result/conclusion]International Impact of China’s Humanities and Social Sciences Outputs analyzes the international influence of academic achievements in the field of Chinese humanities and social sciences systematically,reveals the current situation of the international influence of Chinese humanities and social science achievements in recent years,analyzes the formation mechanism and constructs an evaluation model,and puts forward suggestions for improving the international influence of Chinese humanities and social science achievements.This book is an important research achievement in the field of evaluation of Chinese humanities and social sciences,which has the three characteristics of being visionary,exploring new horizons in the evaluation of Chinese humanities and social sciences;integrating strengths,analyzing the international influence of Chinese humanities and social science achievements from multiple dimensions;and being logically rigorous,constructing a scientific evaluation system for Chinese humanities and social science achievements.
作者 樊星 Fan Xing(Library of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430200,China)
出处 《图书情报研究》 2024年第4期117-120,126,共5页 Library and Information Studies
基金 2022年湖北省高校图工委科研基金研究项目“数字人文背景下财经政法类高校图书馆的古籍活化与利用”(项目编号:2022-YB-20)的系列研究成果之一。
关键词 图书情报学 人文社科 国际影响力 书评 library and information science humanities and social science international influence book review
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