Deep neural networks(DNNs)are poten-tially susceptible to adversarial examples that are ma-liciously manipulated by adding imperceptible pertur-bations to legitimate inputs,leading to abnormal be-havior of models.Plenty of methods have been pro-posed to defend against adversarial examples.How-ever,the majority of them are suffering the follow-ing weaknesses:1)lack of generalization and prac-ticality.2)fail to deal with unknown attacks.To ad-dress the above issues,we design the adversarial na-ture eraser(ANE)and feature map detector(FMD)to detect fragile and high-intensity adversarial examples,respectively.Then,we apply the ensemble learning method to compose our detector,dealing with adver-sarial examples with diverse magnitudes in a divide-and-conquer manner.Experimental results show that our approach achieves 99.30%and 99.62%Area un-der Curve(AUC)scores on average when tested with various Lp norm-based attacks on CIFAR-10 and Im-ageNet,respectively.Furthermore,our approach also shows its potential in detecting unknown attacks.
This work was partly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under No.62372334,61876134,and U1836112.