
Intensity of nursing work in a primary healthcare center:An observational study

摘要 Objectives:In the sphere of occupational intensity,nursing stands recognized for its inherently demanding nature,marked by a rapid succession of tasks.Our primary aim was to assess the level of job intensity within nursing by analyzing the frequency and duration of activities performed by nurses,instances of task overlap,and the distribution of break times within a primary healthcare center.Methods:This study was conducted using a descriptive working method.Nursing activities were recorded with the observation of six nurses,each monitored for 37.5 h.We used the Maribor System for measuring Quantity in Nursing Care in Primary Health Care Settings to measure the nursing care activities about direct patient care,indirect patient care,and other unproductive aspects through direct non-participant observations.Results:About 41.5%(n=1,640)of all nursing activities involving direct contact with patients,about 38.2%(n=1,508)was indirect patient care,where a large amount worked with paper files(n=666,16.9%).In addition,about 15.0%were other nursing activities(mostly computer work),and just 5.3%(n=210)of tasks were unproductive.The observational findings indicate a pronounced level of work intensity experienced by nurses in primary health clinics.Significantly,nurses were predominantly engaged in direct patient care tasks,often managing multiple activities simultaneously.Their transitions between tasks occurred approximately every 3 min,frequently without adequate intervals for breaks.Conclusions:This study highlights the need to shift nurses’focus from a task-centric approach to one centered on patient care.The prevailing emphasis on tasks may contribute to enduring fatigue and professional dissatisfaction.Consequently,there is an urgent need to redefine the scope of a nurse’s role and implement a comprehensive computer information system as an integral part of this redefined approach. 目的护理工作强度较高,具有快速、连续的特点。该研究通过分析护理活动的频率、持续时间、任务重叠情况以及休息时间的分布评估初级保健中心护士的工作强度。方法该研究采用描述性方法,观察并记录6名护士的护理活动,每名护士被观察37.5 h。使用马里博尔初级保健中心护理活动量测量系统,通过直接观察,记录直接护理、间接护理和其他非生产性的护理活动。结果直接护理活动量占比41.5%(n=1640),间接护理活动量比例为38.2%(n=1508),其中大量工作涉及纸质文件(n=666,16.9%)。此外,15.0%为其他护理活动(主要为电脑工作),非生产性护理活动占比5.3%(n=210)。初级卫生保健中心的护士工作强度较高,主要从事直接护理,通常同时进行多项护理活动,在任务之间的转换平均每3分钟发生1次,通常没有足够的休息时间。结论该研究强调了护士从以任务为中心的工作方式转向以患者为核心的必要性。当前对任务的过度关注可能导致持久的疲劳和职业满意度下降。因此,迫切需要重新定义护士的角色和工作范围,并将操作计算机信息系统作为重要关注内容。
作者 Melita Peršolja Melita Peršolja
出处 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2024年第5期536-543,共8页 国际护理科学(英文)
关键词 Intensity nursing care Nurses Primary healthcare Quality services 工作强度 护士 初级保健 优质服务
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