

The Reality and Action Plans for Further Comprehensive and Deepened Reform of Professional Sports in China
摘要 当前我国职业体育改革进入深水区,面临着系列运行风险,系统解决相关问题需要通过进一步全面深化改革达成。以更好满足人民需要为导向,以体制机制改革为要点,以助推职业体育高质量发展为任务,进一步全面深化职业体育改革要认清当前我国职业体育发展所依托的国情、体情及项目自身发展状况,准确把握职业体育运行规律、中国改革发展规律和时代规律,坚持中国特色立场、市场化改革方向、职业体育规律遵循不动摇。改革实践,要以政府与市场关系优化为核心,破解中国特色职业体育形成的体制机制障碍;以服务体育强国发展战略为导向,建立完善目标落实的组织领导体系;以市场决定性作用发挥为重点,创新有利于高质量发展的制度环境;以提升核心竞争力为引领,补齐可持续发展短板;以法治建设为要点,强根固本完善保障体系。 As the reform of professional sports in China enters a critical phase,it faces a series of operational risks.To systematically address these issues,comprehensive and further deepening of reforms is necessary.Guided by the goal of better meeting the needs of the people,the key focus of the reform lies in the institutional and mechanism changes,with the task of promoting high-quality development of professional sports.For further comprehensive and deepened reforms,it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the current national and sports conditions,as well as the development status of professional sports in China.It is also important to accurately grasp the operational laws of professional sports,the laws of reform and development in China,and the laws of the times.It is imperative to remain steadfast in adhering to the principles of China’s characteristics,market-oriented reforms,and the laws governing professional sports.The reform practice should center around optimizing the relationship between the government and the market,overcoming the institutional and mechanism obstacles that have emerged in the unique context of professional sports in China.It should be guided by the goal of serving the development strategy of building a sports power,by establishing and improving an organizational leadership system that ensures the implementation of goals.Emphasizing the decisive role of the market,innovative institutional environments conducive to high-quality development should be created.Enhancing core competitiveness should be the driving force,addressing the shortcomings for sustainable development.Finally,the focus should be on the construction of the rule of law,strengthening the foundation and improving the guarantee system.
作者 张兵 ZHANG Bing(Department of Physical Education,Yancheng Teachers University,Yancheng 224002,China)
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第8期33-40,共8页 China Sport Science
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(22BTY032)。
关键词 职业体育 改革 政府 市场 体制 机制 高质量发展 professional sports reform government market institution mechanism high-quality development
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