

Preparation of chitosan/pectin-bovine collagen peptide nanoparticles and analysis of their slow-release properties
摘要 生物活性肽因其丰富的生物活性而备受关注,但生物活性肽容易受胃肠道消化作用的影响,结构发生改变,从而降低其在体内的生物利用度。该研究利用静电自组装法制备壳聚糖/果胶纳米颗粒对牛骨胶原肽进行包埋,赋予牛骨胶原肽在胃肠道中的缓释性能,实现提升牛骨胶原肽稳定性的目的。该研究在单因素试验的基础上,以牛骨胶原肽的包埋率作为指标进行响应面优化试验,获得纳米颗粒的最佳制备条件为壳聚糖质量浓度13 g/L、果胶质量浓度50 g/L、壳聚糖∶果胶质量比3∶2和pH 3.0,所得壳聚糖/果胶纳米颗粒对牛骨胶原肽的包埋率达(92.56±1.76)%。模拟胃肠道消化实验结果显示,包埋后的牛骨胶原肽在模拟胃液和模拟肠液中的保留率达(96.16±0.76)%和(73.11±1.08)%,在模拟胃液中对牛骨胶原肽的保护作用显著高于模拟肠液中。综上所述,由壳聚糖/果胶所制备的纳米颗粒能够显著提高牛骨胶原肽的胃肠道消化稳定性,有助于实现其在小肠中靶向释放,具有较好的应用前景。 Bioactive peptides have attracted much attention because of their rich biological activities,but they are susceptible to structural changes due to gastrointestinal digestion,which reduces their bioavailability in the body.In this study,chitosan/pectin nanoparticles were prepared for the embedding of bovine collagen peptides using the electrostatic self-assembly method,which endowed bovine collagen peptides with slow-release in the gastrointestinal tract and achieved the purpose of enhancing the stability of bovine collagen peptides.In this study,based on a one-way test,the response surface optimization test was conducted with the embedding rate of bovine collagen peptides as an indicator,and the optimal preparation conditions of nanoparticles were obtained as chitosan concentration of 13 g/L,pectin concentration of 50 g/L,chitosan/pectin mass ratio of 3∶2,and pH 3.0.The resulting chitosan/pectin nanoparticles achieved an embedding rate of bovine collagen peptides of(92.56±1.76)%.The results of simulated gastrointestinal digestion experiments showed that the retention of encapsulated bovine collagen peptides in simulated gastric and simulated intestinal fluids reached(96.16±0.76)%and(73.11±1.08)%,and the protective effect of bovine collagen peptides in simulated gastric fluid was significantly higher than that in simulated intestinal fluid.Results showed that nanoparticles prepared from chitosan/pectin could significantly improve the gastrointestinal digestive stability of bovine collagen peptides and help to achieve their targeted release in the small intestine,which was promising for application.
作者 王欣玉 杨泽瑶 王江雪 曹松敏 WANG Xinyu;YANG Zeyao;WANG Jiangxue;CAO Songmin(School of Food Science and Engineering,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China)
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第23期141-147,共7页 Food and Fermentation Industries
基金 宁夏重点研发项目(引才专项)(2022BSB03063)。
关键词 壳聚糖 果胶 牛骨胶原肽 纳米颗粒 缓释性能 chitosan pectin bovine collagen peptide nanoparticle slow-release properties
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