

Interconnectedness of All Things and Ethics of Technology in A Tale for the Time Being
摘要 《不存在的女孩》是日裔美国作家露丝·尾关的名作。该小说围绕福岛核电站事故、校园及网络暴力、二战日本神风特攻队,以及“9·11”恐怖袭击等或真实或虚构的事件,通过海洋环流、禅宗思想、互联网、共情以及量子力学彰显万物相连意识和科技伦理,超越国界地域、线性时间、主客体之间的界限,在各个叙事要素层面强化万物相连的效果,为共同体叙事提供了东西文化交融的范例。 A Tale for the Time Being is a masterpiece by Japanese American author Ruth Ozeki.The novel revolves around real or fictional events such as the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident,campus bullying and online violence,the Japanese Kamikaze Special Forces in World War II,and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.Through ocean circulation,Zen thought,the Internet,empathy,and quantum mechanics,it demonstrates the consciousness of the interconnection of all things and the ethics of technology,transcending the differentiation of national boundaries,linear time,subject and object.At the same time,it strengthens the overall connection at various narrative elements,providing an example of the integration of Eastern and Western cultures for community narration.
作者 邹涛 ZOU Tao
出处 《英语研究》 2024年第2期137-147,共11页 English Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“艾伊·奎·阿尔玛的非洲命运共同体思想及诗学研究”(20BWW060)的阶段性成果。
关键词 露丝·尾关 《不存在的女孩》 量子力学 禅宗 核污染 Ruth Ozeki A Tale for the Time Being quantum mechanics Zen thought nuclear pollution
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