There is a difference between the right of withdrawal of consent and the withdrawal and revocation of an expression of intent in terms of the object of exercise and the retroactive effect, and the difference is essentially a dispute over the nature of the withdrawal of consent. In terms of the conditions for exercising it, the right of withdrawal of consent faces the problems of unclear scope of subjects and blurred boundaries with statutory permission. As far as the applicable objects are concerned, since the withdrawal of consent is in line with the characteristics of “pure benefit” and “appropriate to age and intelligence”, minors over the age of 8 should not be subject to the guardian consent withdrawal model.Restrictions are imposed on the withdrawal of consent by an adult with incapacity for a substitute consent.In the case of the relationship between consent to withdraw and statutory permission, one or the other must apply when they coexist. When it comes to contractual transactions, consent is a manifestation of the personal data subjective performance of the obligation to provide personal information;“Necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract” refers to a situation where the obligation is a subordinate payment obligation. Although the processing of personal information is separate from the underlying contract,the withdrawal of consent may result in a variation or termination of the contract.
Northern Legal Science
personal information processing
gright to withdraw consent
consent rules
expression of intention