

Construction of Yunnan Ethnic Unity and Progress Demonstration Zone and Strengthening the Sense of the Chinese National Community
摘要 聚焦云南民族团结示范区的建设与铸牢中华民族共同体意识之间的关系,回顾云南民族形成的历史和历史上形成的云南民族关系的特点,即生态环境多样性、生物多样性和民族文化多样性。这三大多样性互动磨合、相互依存、良性互动、高度融合的格局,成为云南实践科学发展观、各民族团结和睦共同发展的典范,也是建构中国“多元一体”和谐民族关系的典型。提出云南在长期的民族工作实践中积累的保护传承和发展优秀民族文化的做法和经验。列举了中国共产党凝聚各民族团结齐心建设国家和不断铸牢中华民族共同体意识的实例,如:民族团结进步、边疆繁荣稳定示范村、大理州洱源县郑家村的7个民族一家亲、普洱云南民族团结誓词碑等云南故事。提出促进民族团结进步示范区的工作与铸牢中华民族共同体意识的相互促进的四点建议。 Focusing on the relationship between the construction of Yunnan Ethnic Unity Demonstration Zone and the Strengthening the awareness of the Chinese national community,this article reviews the history of the formation of Yunnan ethnic groups and the characteristics of Yunnan ethnic relations formed in history,namely ecological environment diversity,biodiversity,and ethnic cultural diversity.The pattern of interdependence,benign interaction,and high integration among these three major diversities has become a model for Yunnan to practice the scientific development concept,promote unity,harmony,and common development among all ethnic groups,and also a model for constructing China's"diverse and integrated"harmonious ethnic relations.Propose the practices and experiences accumulated in Yunnan's long-term ethnic work practice to protect,inherit,and develop excellent ethnic cultures.Examples are cited of the CPC's efforts to unite all ethnic groups to build a country and constantly build a sense of Chinese national community,such as"ethnic unity and progress,border prosperity and stability demonstration village,seven ethnic groups as one family in Zhengjia Village,Eryuan County,Dali Prefecture,the monument to the pledge of ethnic unity in Pu'er and other Yunnan stories.Four suggestions are proposed to promote the work of ethnic unity and progress demonstration areas and build a strong sense of Chinese national community.
作者 杨福泉 YANG Fuquan(Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences,Kunming 650034,China;Yunnan Cultural and Historical Research Institute,Kunming 650000,China)
出处 《昭通学院学报》 2024年第4期13-22,共10页 Journal of Zhaotong University
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“藏羌彝文化走廊建设研究”(16ZDA155)阶段性成果。
关键词 云南民族团结进步 示范区建设 共同体意识 Yunnan ethnic unity and progress demonstration zone construction the sense of community
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