

Measures for the Granting of Bachelor’s Degrees in Vocational Colleges in China
摘要 职业本科学位授予质量关乎职业教育的高质量发展,因此保障职业本科学位授予质量势在必行。面对目前对职业本科学位认识的不足,应明确其特殊性,即与普通本科学位、应用本科学位和学术型本科学位在学位类型、课程设置、职业定位和发展逻辑方面存在差异。在明晰职业本科学位内涵的基础上,分析保障职业本科学位授予质量对于推动职业教育高质量发展、培养技术技能型人才、促进职业本科院校长远发展、保障个人发展以及扭转广大人民群众“重普轻职”观念具有重要意义,并提出提供学位授予相关法律法规支撑;强化学位救济制度保障;加强省级委员会的组织管理;规范学位授予过程管理;引入多元审核主体的策略建议。 The quality of vocational undergraduate degree awarding is related to the high-quality development of vocational education and affects the long-term stable development of vocational colleges.Therefore,it is imperative to ensure the quality of vocational undergraduate degree awarding.Faced with the current lack of understanding of vocational undergraduate degrees,its particularity should be clarified,that is,there are fundamental differences from ordinary undergraduate degrees,applied undergraduate degrees and academic undergraduate degrees in terms of degree type,curriculum,career orientation and development logic.On the basis of clarifying the connotation of vocational undergraduate degrees,it is analyzed that ensuring the quality of vocational undergraduate degrees is instrumental in promoting the high-quality development of vocational education,cultivating technical and skilled talents,promoting the long-term development of vocational undergraduate colleges,ensuring personal development,and changing the“significance of the concept of“emphasis on general education and neglect of vocational education”,and proposed the following measures to ensure the quality of vocational undergraduate degree awarding:providing legal and regulatory support related to degree awarding,strengthening the guarantee of the degree relief system,strengthening the organization and management of provincial committees,standardizing the management of the degree awarding process,introducing diverse review entities.
作者 姜新宇 JIANG Xin-yu(College of Education,Hebei University,Baoding Hebei 071002,China)
出处 《河北大学成人教育学院学报》 2024年第1期19-24,共6页 Journal of Adult Education College of Hebei University
关键词 职业本科 职业本科学位 质量保障 vocational undergraduate undergraduate level vocational bachelor’s degree quality assurance
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