

Value Analysis of Hierarchical Management of Nurses in Gynecological Nursing Management
摘要 目的分析妇科护理管理中应用护士分层级管理的价值。方法选取济南市第二妇幼保健院21名妇科护士为研究对象,在2023年7—12月接受传统管理,在2024年1—6月接受分层级管理,分别为常态组、分析组,比较管理质量并观察个人能力,统计不良事件,分析满意率。结果分析组管理质量、个人能力高于常态组,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。分析组护士工作期间出现2件护理差错事件,出现1件护患纠纷事件,常态组护士工作期间出现10件护理差错事件,出现7件护患纠纷事件,分析组不良事件更少。分析组满意率高于常态组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论护士分层管理可减少妇科管理中的不良事件,提升科室管理质量,增强妇科护士的技能,提高护士满意率。 Objective To analyze the value of hierarchical management of nurses in gynecological nursing manage-ment.Methods A sample of twenty-one gynecological nurses from the Second Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Jinan City were selected.They received traditional management from July to December 2023 and hierarchical manage-ment from January to June 2024,namely normal group and an analysis group,respectively.The management quality was compared and individual abilities were observed.Adverse events were recorded and satisfaction rates were ana-lyzed.Results The quality of management,personal abilities of the analysis group were higher than those of the nor-mal group,and the differences were statistically significant(all P<0.05).During the work period of the analysis group nurses,there were 2 nursing error events and 1 doctor-patient dispute event,while during the work period of the nor-mal group nurses,there were 10 nursing error events and 7 doctor-patient dispute events.The analysis group had fewer adverse events.The satisfaction rate in the analysis group was higher than that of the normal group,and the dif-ference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Nurses'hierarchical management has high value,which can reduce adverse events in gynecological management,improve department management quality,enhance the skills of gynecological nurses,and improve nurse satisfaction rate.
作者 孙倩 毕君娇 陈晓文 SUN Qian;BI Junjiao;CHEN Xiaowen(Department of Gynecology,Jinan Second Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Jinan 271100,Shandong,China)
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2024年第16期108-111,共4页 China Health Industry
关键词 分层级管理 护理管理 管理质量 个人能力 差错事件 护患纠纷 Hierarchical management Nursing management Management quality Personal ability Error event Doctor-patient dispute event
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