

Residue and Variation of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Near an Electroplating Enterprise of China
摘要 选择电镀企业周边作为典型区域,于2016–2018年采集区域环境中的水体、土壤和沉积物样品,通过WAX净化富集,LC–MS/MS分析的方法检测样品中9种PFAS(PFBA,PFHxA,PFOA,PFNA,PFDA,PFUnDA,PFDoDA,PFHxS,PFOS),进行残留特征及变化趋势研究。各类样品中的PFAS污染物均以PFOS和PFOA为主,距离电镀企业园区污水处理厂排口较远的入海口附近样品浓度水平低于或接近方法检出限,远低于电镀企业周边样品。电镀企业周边水样中PFASs浓度的年际变化不明显,沉积物中的PFAS则呈现逐年递增的趋势,并且PFOS浓度显著高于PFOA浓度。 The investigated area is close to a wastewater treatment plant(WWTP),which was known to receive wastewater from the industry parks,including electroplating enterprise where fluorochemicals were assumed to be in use as mist suppressant.Water,soil and sediment samples were collected in wet season and dry season from 2016 to 2018.All samples were cleaned-up using WAX cartridge and nine PFAS(PFBA,PFHxA,PFOA,PFNA,PFDA,PFUnDA,PFDoDA,PFHxS,PFOS)were measured by LC-MS/MS.PFOS and PFOA were the two dominant PFASs detected in all the samples.The levels of PFOS and PFOA at the sampling sites near the municipal WWTP are obviously higher than the concentrations of PFOA and PFOS near the river estuary.Annual variations of PFOA and PFOS concentrations in water are not significant.PFOS in sediments around the pollution source was obviously higher than PFOA,and the levels of PFOA and PFOS in the sediment increased every year.
作者 郭婧 刘梦 刘金林 张秀蓝 刘承友 薛军 张利飞 Guo Jing;Liu Meng;Liu Jinlin;Zhang Xiulan;Liu Chengyou;Xue Jun;Zhang Lifei(Key Laboratory for Dioxin Pollution Control of MEE,National Research Center for Environmental Analysis and Measurement,Beijing 100029,China;Solid Waste and Chemicals Management Center,MEE,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《实验与分析》 2024年第4期54-61,共8页 LABOR PRAXIS
基金 联合国大学项目“亚洲持久性有机污染物监测与管理”第七阶段“亚洲地区水体、沉积物和生物体中的全氟化合物监测”。
关键词 电镀企业 全氟化合物 残留特征 变化趋势 Electroplating enterprise Polyfluoroalkyl substances(PFASs) Residual characteristics Annual variations
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