

The Impact of Large-Scale Distributed Photovoltaic Power Station Grid Connection on Grid Operation
摘要 深入探讨大型分布式光伏电站接入电网时对电力供应网络的潜在影响,详细阐述光伏电站系统的工作原理与并网特点,分析大规模光伏电站并网时出现的各种问题,包括孤岛效应问题、谐波问题和逆变器输出电压问题等。探讨大规模光伏电站并网对大型电网和配电网的影响,并提出相应措施。通过该研究,旨在为光伏发电系统的优化和电网的稳定发展提供参考。 In this paper,the potential impact of large-scale distributed photovoltaic power plants connected to the power grid on the power supply network is deeply discussed,the working principle and grid-connected characteristics of the photovoltaic power plant system are expounded in detail,and various problems occurring when large-scale photovoltaic power plants are connected to the grid are analyzed,including islanding,harmonics and inverter output voltage.This paper discusses the influence of grid connection of large-scale photovoltaic power plants on large-scale power grids and distribution networks,and puts forward corresponding measures.Through this research,it aims to provide reference for the optimization of photovoltaic power generation system and the stable development of power grid.
作者 贾全 JIA Quan(Guohua(Qian’an)Wind Power Co.,Ltd.,Songyuan 131400,China)
出处 《通信电源技术》 2024年第23期234-236,共3页 Telecom Power Technology
关键词 分布式光伏 并网 电网运行 distributed photovoltaic grid connection power grid operation
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