

A review of soccer training load research based on quantitative data
摘要 足球训练负荷的有效实施是保障运动员实现竞技能力获得运动表现提升的基石。文章通过综述全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)量化下的足球训练外负荷以及内负荷特征研究,为我国足球项目的科学化训练及相关赛季性项目训练负荷的设计与监控提供参考。研究结果表明赛季中足球训练的总跑动距离、高速跑负荷相对比赛更低,而加、减速跑与比赛差异较小;一周内训练负荷呈“倒U”形分布;赛季后半阶段训练负荷显著下降;训练负荷存在位置差异,其中边后卫和中场球员的跑动负荷较高;非首发运动员与首发运动员在总训练时长和跑动距离上差异不大,但存在高强度负荷不足问题;赛季前准备期由于训练时间更长,训练课次更多,因而负荷较高。建议教练员与科研人员加强训练负荷监控工作,清晰把握与认识负荷的分布特征与适应机制,根据比赛特征、周期特点等因素科学安排训练负荷,保障比赛时的运动表现。 This paper provides a systematic review of the external load of soccer training as well as multiple internal load characteristics quantified by the GPS system to provide a reference for training load arrangement and monitoring for seasonal programs.The results show that the total running distance of soccer training,high-speed running load is much lower than the game load,and the difference between acceleration and deceleration and the game is smaller;the training load has an inverted U-shaped distribution within a week;the training load decreases significantly in the late season;there are positional differences in training loads,with higher running loads for wingbacks and midfielders;the difference between non-starters and starters in total training hours and running distance is not significant,but there is a problem of insufficient high-intensity load;the load is higher in the pre-season preparation period due to longer training time and more training sessions.It is suggested that coaches and researchers should strengthen the monitoring of training load,clearly grasp and understand the characteristics of load distribution and adaptation mechanisms and arrange the training load scientifically according to the competition condition,cycle characteristics and other factors to guarantee the sports performance during the competition.
作者 魏小斌 陈辉 王念慈 王衍卜 井伟祯 陈小平 WEI Xiaobin;CHEN Hui;WANG Nianci;WANG Yanbu;JING Weizhen;Chen Xiaoping(China Institute of Sport Science,Beijing 100061;School of Strength and Conditioning Training,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084;School of Sports and Health Management,Chongqing University of Education,Chongqing 400065;China Football College,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084;Chinese Football Association,Youth Football Department,Beijing 100124)
出处 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期106-116,共11页 Journal of Chengdu Sport University
基金 国家体育总局体育科学研究所基本科研业务费自主项目“运动型疲劳对不同动作模式的肌肉协调及运动表现的定量研究”(基本24-59) 重庆市教委人文社会科学研究项目“体教融合视域下重庆市竞技体育后备人才“选育模式”创新研究”(24SKGH314)。
关键词 足球训练 负荷监控 周期 疲劳 恢复 全球定位系统 soccer training load monitoring periodization fatigue recover GPS
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