

Research on Collaborative Governance of Deepfake Technology Based on SFIC Model
摘要 作为人工智能快速发展的产物,深度伪造技术自2017年兴起以来,已在全球范围内迅速扩散,对法律、伦理和安全等构成了严峻挑战。为深入探析我国深度伪造技术的有效治理路径,选取SFIC模型作为分析框架:首先,通过梳理深度伪造技术的发展脉络及其对国家安全带来的威胁与挑战,揭示协同治理的紧迫性和必要性;其次,运用SFIC模型,从起始条件(S)、催化领导(F)、制度设计(I)、协同过程(C)4个维度分析我国深度伪造技术协同治理的现状以及存在的挑战;最后,基于SFIC模型分析结果,提出相应优化策略和建议,以期为我国深度伪造技术协同治理提供参考。 As a product of the rapid development of artificial intelligence,deepfake technology has rapidly spread globally since its emergence in 2017,posing serious challenges to law,ethics and security.To deeply explore the effective governance path of deepfake technology in China,the SFIC model is selected as the analytical framework.First,by reviewing the development context of deepfake technology and the threats and challenges it poses to national security,the urgency and necessity of collaborative governance are revealed.Then,the SFIC model is applied to analyze the current situation and challenges of collaborative governance of deepfake technology in China from four dimensions:starting conditions(S),facilitative leadership(F),institutional design(I),and collaborative process(C).Finally,based on the analysis results of the SFIC model,the corresponding optimization strategies and suggestions are proposed to provide reference for the collaborative governance of deepfake technology in China.
作者 李雨璇 LI Yuxuan(University of International Relations,Beijing 100091,China)
机构地区 国际关系学院
出处 《信息安全与通信保密》 2024年第11期107-116,共10页 Information Security and Communications Privacy
关键词 深度伪造技术 SFIC模型 协同治理 国家安全 deepfake technology SFIC model collaborative governance national security
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