

Health Support for Migrant Older People
摘要 流动老年人面临较高的健康风险,但目前我国来自政府、社会、社区、家庭的社会支持水平总体偏低。具体表现为:制度保障方面存在异地参保率低、异地报销补偿水平低等问题;基层社区公共服务覆盖范围有限,流动老年人活动参与率低;非正式支持方面,家庭支持水平偏低,近四成流动老年人处于社群隔离状态。建议通过完善相关保障制度、提升公共服务供给、强化家庭支持、鼓励重建社交网络等途径,提升流动老年人健康支持水平。 Migrant older persons face higher health risks,but the level of social support from the government,the society,communities and families in China is generally low,which is shown as follows.In terms of social security,there are problems such as low rates of insurance participation and low levels of reimbursement in places other than the place of a person's household registration.The coverage of public services in grassroots communities is limited,and the participation rate of migrant older persons in activities is low.In terms of informal support,the level of family support is insufficient,and nearly 40%of migrant older adults are in a state of"social isolation".It is suggested that the level of health support for migrant older persons be strengthened through improving relevant security systems,enhancing the supply of public services,boosting family support,and encouraging them to rebuild their social networks.
作者 郑研辉 李伟旭 ZHENG Yanhui;LI Weixu(Social Welfare Center,Ministry of Civil Affair,Beijing 100053,China;China National Committee on Ageing,Beijing 100011,China)
出处 《老龄科学研究》 2024年第10期58-65,共8页 Scientific Research on Aging
关键词 流动老年人 健康 社会支持 社会网络 migrant older persons health social support social network
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