

Returning to Reality and Body:Meanings and Embodied Paths of Sports in the Digital Age
摘要 社会的数字化发展实践深刻改变着人们的生活,其虽丰富了个体的生活方式,但逐渐使个体陷入现实与虚拟隔阂、精神与肉体剥离、数字劳动异化身体的困境。具身视域下,体育运动作为一种基于现实并强调身体活动的社会存在,愈发凸显出其在促进个体摆脱上述困境中的意义:身体资本的有效转化,体育运动助推个体回归现实;回归生物性和社会性统一的本体,体育运动耦合肉身与精神;重归身体劳动,体育运动消弭数字空间对身体的异化。基于此,结合体育具身属性,提出数字时代体育运动促进个体回归现实与身体的实现路径:通过体育仪式传播达成共鸣与共情,构建良好的“情绪态存在”;强调体育运动中的身心一体,消弭“机器态身体”;搭建体育场域中的人际互动场景,形塑“沟通态身体”。 The digital development of society has profoundly changed people’s lives,which enriches individual lifestyles but gradually plunges individuals into the dilemmas of reality-virtual disconnection,spiritual-physical detachment,and the alienation of digital labour on body.In the perspective of embodiment,sport,as a social being based on reality and emphasising physical activity,increasingly highlights its significance in facilitating individuals’escape from the aforementioned dilemmas.Firstly,sports effectively transform physical capital and facilitate the return of individuals to reality.Secondly,sports make the return to the ontology in the biological and social unity and couple the mental and the physical.Finally,sports enable people to return to physical labour and eliminate the alienation of the digital space on body.Based on these,and taking into account the embodied attributes of sports,this study proposes realisation paths for sports in the digital age to promote the return of individuals to reality and body.Firstly,through the communication of sports rituals,empathy and sympathy are reached to construct a favourable“the being of emotional state”.Secondly,the unity of body and mind in sports is emphasised to eliminate“the body of machine state”.Thirdly,a scene of interpersonal interaction in the field of sports to shape“the body of communication state”.
作者 曹苏方 张业安 于晓梅 CAO Sufang;ZHANG Yean;YU Xiaomei(School of Journalism and Communication,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China;School of Economics and Management,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China)
出处 《沈阳体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期131-137,共7页 Journal of Shenyang Sport University
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“全民健身服务创新机制与路径研究”(23&ZD190) 国家社会科学基金一般项目“5G时代青少年体育行为促进的‘微传播’模式与效果研究”(21BTY034)。
关键词 数字时代 体育运动 现实 身体 具身 digital age sports reality body embodiment
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