

Research Progress and Landscape of the Theory of Holistic Governance——Visual Analysis Based on CiteSpace Software
摘要 整体性治理理论为突破当前我国教育治理领域存在的“碎片化”困境提供了有效的思路。以整体性治理理论在国内教育治理领域的研究文献为切入点,基于CiteSpace软件绘制的知识图谱以及菲利普·哈林格提出的“四维概念模型”,利用具象的可视化手段,述评运用于教育治理领域的整体性治理理论的研究特点与趋势。研究发现:研究经历了前期探索、起步增长和蓬勃发展阶段,近年来关注该研究领域的学者日益增多;研究学者大多来自高等教育领域,且多集中于东部地区高校;高频热点词为“整体性治理”“碎片化”“高校”等,关键词聚类分为8类,与“政府”强相关;针对教育治理领域的“碎片化”问题,未来教育治理背景下整体性治理理论的研究趋势可归纳总结为复合型模式探索、制度化体系构建和技术化服务创新。 The theory of holistic governance provides an effective approach to overcoming the current“fragmentation”dilemma in China’s educational governance.Taking the research literature on holistic governance theory in the domestic educational governance field as a starting point,and based on the knowledge map drawn with CiteSpace software and the“Four-Dimensional Concept Mode”proposed by Philip Hallinger,this study reviews the characteristics and trends of the holistic governance theory applied in the field of educational governance using concrete visualization methods.The study found that research has gone through the stages of initial exploration,starting growth,and vigorous development,with an increasing number of scholars focusing on this research area in recent years;most researchers are from higher education and primarily concentrated in eastern region universities;high-frequency hotspot words include“holistic governance”,“fragmentation”,and“higher education institutions”,with keyword clustering divided into eight categories,which are strongly related to'government';concerning the“fragmentation”issue in the field of educational governance,future research trends on holistic governance theory in the context of educational governance can be summarized as exploring composite models,building institutional frameworks,and innovating technological services.
作者 钟婉娟 邓小清 ZHONG Wanjuan;DENG Xiaoqing(Faculty of Education,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
出处 《沧州师范学院学报》 2024年第4期109-117,共9页 Journal of Cangzhou Normal University
基金 2021年度重庆市社会科学规划项目“指向教师教学决策的中小学教师数据素养指标体系研究”,编号:2021NDYB123。
关键词 教育治理 碎片化 整体性治理 教育现代化 整合 educationalgovernance fragmentation holisticgovernance educational modernization integration
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