

Collaboration Analysis and Model Construction of Commerce and Trade Logistics Park Based on Consumer Environment
摘要 文章基于消费环境对商贸物流园的协同问题进行了分析和模型构建。文章对商贸物流园是现代消费环境的新型节点进行了分析,并对现代消费环境物流园区协同发展研究的文献进行梳理和综述,随后介绍了商贸物流园的商流协同的概念,选择了商贸物流园商流协同4个维度的影响因素进行问卷调查,取得了第一手数据。运用SPSS软件和回归统计分析方法,对数据进行信度分析、效度分析、因子分析。分析表明我们选择的影响因素具有比较好的结构效度,是可信和比较完备的。在此基础上构建了反映现代商贸物流园商流协同效应的商流S模型,对构建和谐消费环境“线上线下一体化”协同发展模式提出了建议,给出了研究结论。 This paper analyzes the collaboration of commerce and trade logistics parks based on the consumer environment.The paper first proposes that commerce and trade logistics parks are a new type of node in the modern consumer environment,and summarizes the literature on the collaborative development of logistics parks in modern consumer environment.Then,the concept of business flow collaboration in commerce and trade logistics parks is introduced,and the influencing factors of four dimensions of business flow collaboration in commerce and trade logistics parks are selected for a questionnaire,providing first-hand data.SPSS software and regression statistical analysis methods are used to conduct reliability and validity factor analysis on the data.The analysis shows that the selected influencing factors are structurally valid,credible,and relatively complete.On this basis,a business flow S model is constructed to reflect the synergistic effect of business flow in modern commerce and trade logistics parks.Finally,suggestions are put forward for building a harmonious consumption environment through the collaborative development model of online and offline integration,and research conclusions are presented.
作者 张良卫 钱可欣 唐新云 ZHANG Liang-wei;QIAN Ke-Xin;TANG Xin-Yun(Zhujiang College,South China Agriculture University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510900;Software Engineering Institute of Guangzhou,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510900)
出处 《供应链管理》 2024年第12期75-83,共9页 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT
基金 2023年广东省普通高校创新团队项目“数智化绿色经济研究团队”(2023WCXTD022) 2022年广东省普通高校重点科研项目“粤港澳大湾区智能制造业与智慧物流业耦合协同机制研究”(2022WTSCX144) 2023年广东省质量工程“电商物流复合应用型人才培养计划”建设项目。
关键词 消费环境 商贸物流园 商流协同 关键因素 协同效应 consumer environment commerce and trade logistics park business flow collaboration key factors synergistic effect
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