

From Political Meritocracy to the Excellence Virtue:A Study of Cicero’s View of Dignitas
摘要 与现代主流观点相比,西塞罗版本的“尊严”,静态地看是“高阶”的,动态地看是“向上”的。早期西塞罗主要在政治领域使用“尊严”概念,在古典共和框架下发展了一种追求卓越政治成就的“优绩主义”;晚期西塞罗以人的内在德性修养为着眼点论证“尊严”的配享资格,合乎逻辑地导出了一种推崇理性自律和人格升华的“至善主义”。从取向上看,西塞罗的“尊严”概念更加突出道德义务,同免于无理干涉的个人权利诉求没多少关联。 Compared with the mainstream modern view,Cicero’s version of“dignitas”is statically“higher-order”and dynamically“upward”.Early Cicero used the concept of dignitas mainly in the political sphere,developing a kind of“meritocracy”in pursuit of political excellence within the framework of the classical republic.In the later period,Cicero argued for the qualification of“dignitas”by focusing on the inner virtue cultivation of human beings,and logically derived a kind of“perfectionism”which promoted rational self-discipline and sublimation of personality.In its orientation,Cicero’s concept of“dignitas”gives greater prominence to moral obligations,and has little to do with claims to individual rights to be free from unjustified interference.
作者 冯飞 Feng Fei
出处 《政治思想史》 CSSCI 2024年第4期35-53,198,共20页 Journal of the History of Political Thought
基金 江苏省卓越博士后计划资助项目“马克思尊严观视域下人类文明新形态研究”(2023ZB127)的阶段成果。
关键词 西塞罗 政治思想 尊严思想 政治功绩 道德义务 Cicero political thought dignity theory political merit moral obligation
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