
基于Cite Space可视化的酱香型白酒酿造微生物与风味研究进展

Research Progress in Fermentation Microorganisms and Flavor of Jiangxiang Baijiu Based on Cite Space Visualization
摘要 为深入了解酱香型白酒酿造微生物与风味研究现状,本研究基于中国知网(CNKI)数据库和Web of Science核心数据库,分别从年度发文量、关键词、作者等方面,采用文献计量学手段对该领域2003年—2023年中英文文献,即339篇中文文献和124篇英文文献进行可视化分析,并形成相关数据集。结果表明,随着社会经济的快速发展,中英文文献呈现出蓬勃发展的态势,其数量与质量都在不断提升;研究热点主要集中于微生物、酒醅、白酒、堆积发酵、风味物质等;该领域的科研人员沟通紧密,各大高校和科研机构与酱香型白酒企业间合作密切。通过本文综合分析,可为酱香型白酒酿造微生物与风味的后续研究提供参考和帮助。 In order to understand the current research status of the fermentation microorganisms and flavor of Jiangxiang Baijiu,based on the CNKI database and the Web of Science core database,we adopted the bibliometric method to analyze the 339 Chinese articles and 124 English articles in this field from 2003 to 2023.The results indicated that with the rapid development of social economy,research in this field had shown a vigorous development state,and the quantity and quality of articles were constantly improving.The research focused on microorganisms,fermented grains,Baijiu,stacking fermentation,flavor substances,etc.Researchers in this field had close communication,and universities and institutes had close cooperation with Jiangxiang Baijiu enterprises.This paper has provided reference and help for future research on the fermentation microorganisms and flavor of Jiangxiang Baijiu.
作者 任婷婷 晏培 李冰冰 谭壹 卢君 尹学忠 田燕 侯玉祥 REN Tingting;YAN Pei;LI Bingbing;TAN Yi;LU Jun;YIN Xuezhong;TIAN Yan;HOU Yuxiang(Guizhou Guotai Distillery Co.Ltd.,Renhuai,Guizhou 564500;Tasly Academy,Tasly Holding Group Co.Ltd.,Tianjin 300410;Guizhou Guotai Jiuzhuang Co.Ltd.,Renhuai,Guizhou 564500,China)
出处 《酿酒科技》 2024年第12期34-39,共6页 Liquor-Making Science & Technology
基金 黔科合成果2023一般150(贵州省科技攻关计划) 仁科支撑(2020)04号 遵市科合(2020)31号 遵市科合支撑GY(2021)40号。
关键词 酱香型白酒 微生物 风味 文献计量 Cite Space Jiangxiang Baijiu microorganisms flavor bibliometrics Cite Space
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