

Exploration of teaching skill training model of physics teacher education inlocal university: a case study in Bohai university
摘要 本文根据多年来对渤海大学物理学师范专业学生教学实践技能培养的经验,总结出物理师范生大学四年一贯制的“3211”教学技能培养模式.论文从主要做法、创新之处和实践成果三个方面对此培养模式进行展开介绍,并以学校2019级物理学师范专业164名本科生的培养过程为例,探索此种师范生教学技能培养模式的可行性,此模式可为其他地方高校的物理学师范专业学生的培养提供参考. In this article,it is summarized that the‘3211 teaching skill training model for physics teacher education has carried out in Bohai university based on years of practical experience in teaching and skill development.This training model is introduced from three aspects:main methods,innovations,and practical achievements.Taking the training process of 164 undergraduate students majoring in physics teacher education in 2019 class of the university as an example,the feasibility of this teaching skill training model for teacher trainees is explored,which can serve as a reference for the training of physics teacher trainees in other local universities.
作者 周淑君 修晓明 李孝富 董海宽 刘丹 王春艳 李猛 王龙升 ZHOU Shu-jun;XIU Xiao-ming;WANG Chun-yan;LI Meng;WANG Long-sheng(College of Physical Science and Technology,Bohai University,Jinzhou,Liaoning 121013,China)
出处 《大学物理》 2024年第11期54-58,共5页 College Physics
基金 渤海大学中小学教学改革联合研究项目(2024ZXXJG63、2024ZXXJG66) 辽宁省研究生教育教学改革研究项目(LNYJG2024285) 高等学校教学研究项目(DJZW202306db) 渤海大学研究生教育教学改革项目(YJG20230001)资助。
关键词 地方高校 物理师范生 教学技能 四年一贯制 培养模式 local university physics normal students teaching skills four-year-of consistent policy training mode
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