

Zhang Wentian and the Cultivation of Diplomatic Talents in the People's Republic of China
摘要 新中国成立后,张闻天在外交战线工作的十年约占其革命生涯的1/5。其间,张闻天对于新中国外交事业的发展进行了积极探索并做出了重要贡献。面对外交干部紧缺的问题,张闻天为新中国外交人才的培养付出了大量心血,主要通过倡导广博学习提高外交人员的综合素质,通过大兴调研之风提升外交人员的专业能力,通过成功筹建外交学院、国际关系研究所、世界知识出版社等三个外交部附属单位为外交人才的培养与储备进行了长远规划。在外交工作实践中,张闻天以身作则,以朴素民主的工作作风激励着外交人员不断成长。在授权有限的外交阵地,张闻天为新中国外交人才培养、外交事业发展所作的卓越贡献值得我们永远缅怀。 After the founding of the People's Republic of China,Zhang Wentian had been engaged in diplomatic work for ten years,accounting for one-fifth of his revolutionary career.During this period,Zhang Wentian actively ex plored and made important contributions to the development of the People's Republic of China's diplomatic career In the face of the shortage of diplomatic cadres,Zhang Wentian devoted a lot of his effort to the cultivation of diplo matic personnel for the People's Republic of China,mainly by advocating broad learning to improve the comprehen sive quality of diplomatic personnel,by promoting investigation and research to enhance the professional competence of the diplomatic personnel,by successful preparation for the establishment of the three subsidiary units of the Mi nistry of Foreign Affairs,namely,the Diplomatic Academy,the Institute of International Relations and the World Knowledge Press,to have achieved a long-term planning for the cultivation and reservation of diplomatic talents.In the practice of diplomatic work,Zhang Wentian set a good example and encouraged the continuous growth of diplomatic personnel with his simple and democratic work style.In the diplomatic field with limited authorization,Zhang Wentian's outstanding contribution to the cultivation of diplomatic talents and to the development of diplomatic cause deserve our eternal remembrance.
作者 朱昭华 ZHU Zhaohua(School of Social Development and Public Administration,Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou Jiangsu 215009)
出处 《苏州科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第6期37-45,108,共10页 Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 张闻天 新中国 外交人才 Zhang Wentian the People's Republic of China diplomatic personnel
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