

Integrity and Integration:The Practice of Etiquette Culture and Confucianism Learning in the Yuan Dynasty and the Formation of the Cultural Community for the Chinese Nation
摘要 元代作为中国历史上一个多元文化交融的时期,其儒户制度保护了一批以儒学为世代传承的知识阶层;官学和私学的发展,推动了儒学的推广和程朱理学的传播,儒学成为被元代士人普遍认可的主流思想;元中后期的科举取士在社会上营造了学习儒家传统文化的氛围,各族知识分子有了平等交往的文化纽带与交流平台。这些礼文习儒之举促进了元代中华民族文化共同体的形成与发展。 In the Yuan dynasty,a period of multicultural integration in Chinese history,the Confucian household system protects a group of intellectual classes that have been passed down from generation to generation by Confucianism.At that time,the development of official and private education promoted the popularization of Confucianism and the spread of Neo-Confucianism,which makes Confucianism become the mainstream thought widely recognized by scholars in Yuan Dynasty.The imperial examination to select scholars in the mid to late Yuan Dynasty created a social context for learning traditional Confucian culture,and intellectuals of various ethnic groups had cultural ties and the platforms for cultural communication and interaction.The practice of etiquette culture and Confucianism learning in the Yuan dynasty promotes the formation and development of cultural community for the Chinese nation in the Yuan Dynasty.
作者 宋娜 Song Na(School of Historical Culture and Tourist,Zunyi Normal University,Zunyi 563006,China)
出处 《黑河学院学报》 2024年第12期142-145,共4页 Journal of Heihe University
基金 贵州省2021年度哲学社会科学规划课题“元明清时期土司地区儒家教育研究”(21GZYB42)。
关键词 元代 儒学 中华民族文化共同体 the Yuan Dynasty Confucianism cultural community of the Chinese nation
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