

Was the Civil Service Examination Abolished Early?The Suspension Clause in the Boxer Protocol and Responses from Chinese Officials and Intellectuals
摘要 义和团运动失败后,中外议和开启,公使团要求将“诸国人民被戕害凌虐”的城镇停试五年。由于该条款表述本有歧义,中方迫于压力的妥协造成部分停试区域由城镇扩展至相关府、州、县,且因“戕害凌虐”并无清晰判定标准,导致部分实无外人毙命之地亦被停试。但经全权大臣与疆吏努力,停试地方由公使团提出的69处减至45处。执行中,停试之县、散州、城镇与府之附郭首县禁试,使当地绝大部分士人的科举之途提前终结;停试之府、直隶州则借棚开考,官方于权变中仍以维持,使列强欲乘机惩治中国士绅的企图未完全实现。停试后多地出现科举没落、学堂难兴的尴尬困局,而天津等重地的停试为新式学务发展提供了机遇。官士应对停试的复杂态度与特殊表现,为研究清末新政以来推广学堂、改废科举的纠葛关系提供了一条新的理路。 Following the Boxer Rebellion,Western powers demanded the suspension of civil service examinations for five years in all cities where foreigners had been massacred or severely mistreated.Due to the vague wording of this demand,Chinese negotiators,under pressure,expanded the suspension from cities and towns to entire prefectures and counties.Moreover,the imprecise definitions of"massacres"or"mistreatment"led to the inclusion of areas where foreigners had neither been killed nor harassed.Through negotiations,Chinese officials reduced the number of affected areas from 69 to 45.In those places where the suspension was imposed-counties,cities,towns,and prefecture capitals-the civil service exams were halted for five years,preventing local scholars from participating.Despite this,some local governments found ways to circumvent the suspension,allowing the exams to continue in practice,undermining the Western goal of punishing Chinese elites.Nevertheless,in regions impacted by the suspension,local faith in the civil service examination system eroded,contributing to the decline of traditional schools.In contrast,cities like Tianjin used the suspension as an opportunity to foster the development of modern educational institutions.These varied responses to the suspension provide a valuable perspective on the complex relationship between the rise of modern education and the eventual abolition of the civil service exams during the New Policies period of the late Qing.
作者 王静 Wang Jing
出处 《近代史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期123-137,M0006,共16页 Modern Chinese History Studies
基金 中国社会科学院“青启计划”项目“清代科举中的士人诉求表达与社会治理”(2024QQJH078)的阶段成果。
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