

Why Has the Pattern of"A Large Country with Small-Scale Farming"Persisted?A Re-assessment Based on Marxism's"Theory of the Disappearance of Small-Scale Farming"
摘要 实现“大国小农”向“大国强农”历史性跨越是推进和拓展中国式农业农村现代化的重要理论命题。在资本“剥夺性积累”的宏观叙事中,马克思主义经典作家基于传统小农的自然经济特性阐明了其受资本主义机器大生产排挤而渐趋衰亡的历史宿命,提出社会主义国家应通过“合作社的生产和占有”实现劳动者与劳动条件重新结合的前瞻性思考。中国共产党在跨越“资本主义卡夫丁峡谷”基础上建立起社会主义全新形态范式,借助集体化改造和市场化探索帮助家户经营深度嵌入社会化大生产体系,从而在宏观背景和主体规定层面实现了对经典农户理论的突破和创新,“大国小农”格局由此存续至今。农户家庭虽被重新赋予生产环节的自定义能力和裁量自由,但商业流通资本也正从产业链上下游“迂回”获取其田间生产剩余。新征程上要继续巩固和完善土地集体所有制、严防资本下乡“跑马圈地”,重新激活村社集体统筹优势、提升小农生产组织化和社会化程度,在价值创造与价值实现的辩证统一中实现全体农民共同富裕,走出一条家户经营“渐进式”改良和转型的中国特色小农现代化之路。 Realizing the historic leap from"a large country with small-scale farming"to"a large country with strong agricul⁃ture"is a vital theoretical proposition for promoting and expanding the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.Begin⁃ning with the macro-narrative of capital’s"exploitative accumulation"and based on the natural-economic characteristics of traditional small-scale farming,Marxist classic writers elucidate their historical fate of being gradually marginalized by capi⁃talist machine production,and insightfully put forward the theoretical assumption that socialist countries should realize the re⁃integration of laborers and labor conditions through"the production and possession of cooperatives".After establishing a new socialist paradigm on the basis of leaping over"the caudine forks of capitalism"and successively promoting the collectiviza⁃tion reform and marketization exploration to help small-scale farming deeply integrate into the socialized large-scale produc⁃tion system,the Communist Party of China has achieved a breakthrough and innovation in the classical scale farming house⁃hold theory at the macro-background and subject-level,thus the pattern of"a large country with small-scale farming"has persisted to this day.Although the small-scale farming has been re-empowered with customization and discretion in the pro⁃duction process,commercial circulation capital is constantly"circuitous"from the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain to grab their field-production surpluses.On the new journey,we must continue to consolidate and improve the collec⁃tive ownership of land to strictly prevent capital from entering rural areas to"land grab",re-activate the advantages of village collective co-ordination to enhance the organizational and socialization level of small-scale farming and achieve the common prosperity of all farmers through the dialectical unity of value creation and value realization,so as to chart a path of modern⁃ization of small-scale farming with Chinese characteristics in which household management is transferred and transformed.
作者 韩广富 谭富鸿 HAN Guangfu;TAN Fuhong(School of Marxism,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China)
出处 《安徽乡村振兴研究》 2024年第6期66-78,共13页 ANHUI RURAL REVITALIZATION STUDIES
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“习近平总书记关于贫困治理的思想和实践研究”(19ZDA001)。
关键词 中国式现代化 大国小农 农业强国 农户理论 商业流通资本 Chinese modernization a large country with small-scale farming a strong agricultural country small-scale farming theory commercial circulating capital
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