

Application of “PBL” Teaching Mode in Inorganic Chemistry Experimental Education in the Perspective of Course Ideology and Politics:Taking Preparation of Manganese Carbonate as an Example
摘要 本文以“碳酸锰的制备”实验为例,在无机化学实验课程中应用了Problem Based Learning (“PBL”)教学模式。通过设计系列问题,引导学生进行自主学习、合作交流、问题分析和实验验证,实现了知识传授和价值引领的有机融合。“PBL”教学模式不仅为无机化学实验教学的改革和创新提供了有益的探索和尝试,而且还为课程思政的开展提供了良好的平台。 This paper takes the experiment of “preparation of manganese carbonate” as an example,and applies the teaching mode of problem-based leaning(“PBL”) in the inorganic chemistry laboratory course.Through the design of a series of problems,students are guided to engage in independent learning,cooperative communication,problem analysis and experimental verification,thereby achieving an organic integration of knowledge transfer and value guidance.The application of “PBL” teaching mode in inorganic chemistry experimental education not only provides valuable exploration and attempt for the reform and innovation of the teaching,but also provides an excellent platform for the integration of course ideology and politics.
作者 孙长艳 周花蕾 董彬 Changyan Sun;Hualei Zhou;Bin Dong(Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,School of Chemistry and Biological Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing,100083,China)
出处 《大学化学》 CAS 2024年第11期378-383,共6页 University Chemistry
基金 北京科技大学青年教学骨干人才项目(2302019JXGGRC-003) 北京科技大学重大教改项目(JG2023ZD05) 北京科技大学教改项目(JG2022M39)。
关键词 “PBL”教学模式 课程思政 无机化学实验 碳酸锰的制备 “PBL”teaching mode Course ideology and politics Inorganic chemistry experiment Preparation of manganese carbonate
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