

Spatial Target Threat Assessment Based on the Combination of AHP and Entropy Weight Method
摘要 针对现有空间目标威胁评估主观性强、方法单一问题,提出一种基于层次分析法(AHP)和熵权法的空间目标威胁评估方法。首先,在分析空间目标威胁评估需要考虑的因素基础上,选取威胁评估指标;其次,通过AHP和熵权法分别计算各项指标的主客观权重,通过引入距离函数求解权重分配系数,从而构建组合赋权模型;最后,通过组合权重与目标属性矩阵进行加权得到各目标综合威胁度。结果表明,该方法兼顾专家判断和客观态势数据信息,评估结果更加合理,对丰富空间目标威胁评估方法和辅助决策具有一定参考作用。 A spatial target threat evaluation method,which integrates the analytic hierarchy process(AHP)and entropy weight method,is proposed to address the reliance on subjective analysis in exist-ing threat assessments.Firstly,threat assessment indicators are selected based on an analysis of factors pertinent to space target threat assessment.Secondly,the subjective and objective weights of each indi-cator are determined using AHP and the entropy weight method,respectively.A combination weighting model is then constructed by introducing a distance function to solve the weight allocation coefficient.Finally,the comprehensive threat level of each target is calculated by applying the combined weights to the target attribute matrix.The results indicate that this method effectively incorporates both expert judgment and objective situational data,leading to more authentic and credible evaluation outcomes.This contribution is significant in enriching spatial target threat evaluation methodologies and support-ing decision-making processes.
作者 李智强 王少成 柴华 许强强 LI Zhiqiang;WANG Shaocheng;CHAI Hua;XU Qiangqiang(Space Engineering University,Beijing 101416,China)
机构地区 航天工程大学
出处 《信息工程大学学报》 2024年第6期751-756,共6页 Journal of Information Engineering University
基金 军事科技领域青年人才托举工程(2020-JCJQ-QJ-024)。
关键词 层次分析法 熵权法 空间目标 威胁评估 AHP entropy weight method spatial target threat assessment
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