

Research on Empowering High-Quality Development of Collegiate Aerobics Teaching with Artificial Intelligence Technologies:Value,Issues and Pathways
摘要 本文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,探讨人工智能技术赋能高校健美操教学高质量发展的价值、困境,并提出相应的实施路径。研究认为:人工智能技术赋能高校健美操教学高质量发展的价值体现在能实现精准评估与个性化教学、丰富教学手段与提高学生学习兴趣、进行实时监测与即时反馈、促进教学创新与科研发展等方面。人工智能技术赋能高校健美操教学高质量发展的困境表现在技术应用的局限性、学生接受度的差异性、教学资源的限制、师资队伍的挑战等方面。据此,提出加强技术创新、开展个性化教学、优化体育教学资源、加强师资队伍建设等发展路径。 This study adopts literature research method and logical analysis to explore the value,issues,and corresponding development paths of artificial intelligence(AI) empowering the high-quality development of aerobics teaching in universities.The findings of this study reveal that AI can empower the high-quality development of aerobics teaching in universities by enabling precise assessment and personalized instruction,enriching teaching methods and enhancing students' learning interest,enabling real-time monitoring and instant feedback,and promoting teaching innovation and research development.The challenges in AI empowering the high-quality development of aerobics teaching in universities include technological limitations,differences in student acceptance,limitations in teaching resources,and challenges in faculty training.Based on these findings,the paper proposes development paths such as strengthening technological innovation,implementing personalized instruction,optimizing sports teaching resources,and enhancing faculty training.
作者 段红霞 Duan Hongxia(LinFen Vocational And Technical College,Linfen 041000,China)
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2024年第11期185-187,197,共4页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 人工智能 高校健美操教学 高质量发展 价值 问题 路径 artificial intelligence university aerobics teaching high-quality development value issues paths
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