

Multidimensional Accounting of Ecological Value of Cultivated Land Resources in Anhui Province and Its Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity Effects
摘要 科学合理核算耕地资源生态价值,是全方位保护耕地资源及建立生态补偿机制的重要任务及关键环节。该文将理论阐释与实证检验相结合,从生态支持服务价值、生态调节服务价值、生态衍生服务价值3个维度,统一规范构建耕地资源生态价值核算指标体系,以安徽省104个县级面板数据为实证,综合运用核密度、空间自相关、SOFM等模型算法,核算耕地资源生态价值及其时空异质效应特征,并进一步提出差异管控措施。结果表明:(1)安徽省耕地资源生态价值总体呈现上升趋势,2010年最低仅为22284元/hm^(2),2015年耕地生态价值最高达到25666元/hm^(2),较2010年同比增长12%;生态支持服务价值占比较大,生态衍生服务价值占比较小,生态调节服务价值逐年上升,生态支持服务价值和生态衍生服务价值整体上升趋势,部分年份呈现稍微下降态势。(2)耕地资源生态价值全局Moran’s I指数介于0.792~0.808之间,耕地资源生态价值集聚性强,高值区越高、低值区越低,高值区域集中于东南片区和西部片区,低值区域集中于北部区域和部分市辖区,基本呈现“南高北低,西高东低”总体布局。(3)耕地生态价值密度分布总体呈现右移取向,表现明显偏态分布和极化程度特征,存在较为明显的双峰态势,呈现“一主一副”空间格局,多级分化较为明显。安徽省耕地资源生态价值存在显著时空异质效应特征,将安徽省划分为西南部山地生态功能维护区域、中部丘陵生态功能协调区域、北部平原生态功能提升区域,分区域类型针对性提出差别管控策略,有助于发挥耕地资源生态价值调节作用和耕地资源有效保护。 Scientific and reasonable accounting of the ecological value of arable land resources is an important task and key link in the all-round protection of arable land resources and the establishment of ecological compensation mechanism.Combining theoretical analysis and practical application,from the ecological support dimension,ecological regulation di⁃mension and ecological derivation dimension,the ecological value of arable land resources is unified and standardized to construct the ecological value accounting indexes.Using the panel data of 104 counties in Anhui Province as the empirical evidence,the modeling algorithms including kernel density,spatial autocorrelation,and SOFM are used for accounting the ecological value of arable land resources in terms of its spatial pattern,evolution characteristics and type division,and dif⁃ferentiated control measures are proposed as well.Results indicate that the ecological value of arable land resources shows an overall upward trend,with the highest ecological value of arable land reaching RMB 25666/hm^(2) in 2015,and the low⁃est being only RMB 22284/hm^(2) in 2010,with a year-on-year increase of 12%compared with that of 2010.The value of ecological support dimension accounts for a larger proportion,and the value of ecologically derived services accounts for a smaller proportion;the value of ecological regulating services rises year by year,and the value of ecological support ser⁃vices and ecologically derived services has an overall upward trend,with some years showing a slight decline.The global Moran’s I index of ecological value of arable land resources ranges from 0.792 to 0.808.The ecological value of arable land resources is strongly clustered,with the high value area being higher and the low value area being lower.The highvalue area is concentrated in the southeastern and western areas,while the low-value area is concentrated in the northern area and part of the urban center,presenting the general layout of"high in the south and low in the north,high in the west and low in the east".The distribution of ecological value density of arable land generally shows a rightward orientation,showing obvious skewed distribution and polarization degree characteristics,there is a more obvious bimodal trend,present⁃ing a"one main and one secondary"spatial pattern,and the multi-level differentiation is more obvious.The ecological value of arable land resources is characterized by significant spatial and temporal heterogeneity,which is divided into the southwestern mountainous ecological function maintenance area,the central hilly ecological function coordination area,and the northern plains ecological function enhancement area.The differentiated management and control strategies are proposed for the different areas,which will help to bring into play the regulation of the ecological value of arable land resources and the effective protection of arable land resources.
作者 范树平 曹瑜珺 郭慧敏 米逸诗 奚星伍 刘友兆 余波平 FAN Shuping;CAO Yujun;GUO Huimin;MI Yishi;XI Xingwu;LIU Youzhao;YU Boping(School of Economics and Management,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036,China;Key Laboratory of Jianghuai Cultivated Land Resources Protection and Ecological Restoration,Ministry of Natural Resources,Hefei 230601,China;Anhui Academy of Land Space Planning,Hefei 230601,China;School of Public Administration,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China)
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期211-224,共14页 Environmental Science & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71873003) 安徽省自然科学基金项目(1908085QG310) 安徽省高校人文社会科学研究重点项目(SK2021A0155) 自然资源部江淮耕地资源保护与生态修复重点实验室项目(ARPE-2023-KF03)。
关键词 耕地资源 生态价值 多维核算 时空异质效应 管控策略 粮食主产区 cultivated land resources ecological value multidimensional accounting spatial and temporal heterogeneity effects control strategies main grain producing areas
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