

Effect of Co-fermentation with Streptococcus salivarius subsp.thermophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp.lactis on Improving the Quality of Fermented Milk
摘要 为评估唾液链球菌嗜热亚种CZ-03(Streptococcus salivarius subsp.thermophilus CZ-03)与动物双歧杆菌乳亚种LGG-08(Bifidobacterium animalis subsp.lactis LGG-08)复合发酵对发酵乳品质的影响,采用这两种菌株对牛乳进行复合发酵,分析其流变学特性、质构特性以及活菌数。利用多频扩散波谱法详细研究复合发酵乳的微观结构及其动态变化,评估其稠度、硬度、内聚性和黏度指数。结果显示,在贮藏初期(0~14 d),复合发酵乳的胞外多糖质量浓度从204.7 mg/L增加至233 mg/L,显著高于单菌株发酵乳。此外,复合发酵乳在整个贮藏期间的活菌数显著高于单菌组,显著提升了产品的贮藏稳定性和益生功能。复合菌株的使用显著改善了发酵乳的流变学和质构特性,尤其在黏度和持水性方面。与单一菌株发酵的样品相比,复合发酵乳能更有效地形成稳定的凝胶结构。这些发现为益生菌发酵乳的产品开发和健康功能提升提供了坚实的科学依据,并为发酵乳的生产及贮藏特性评估提供了创新视角和策略。 This study evaluated the effect of co-fermentation using Streptococcus salivarius subsp.thermophilus CZ-03 and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp.lactis LGG-08 on the quality of fermented milk.Changes in microrheological properties during the fermentation process were studied using multi-frequency diffusing wave spectroscopy,and changes in pH,titratable acidity(TA),viable bacterial count(VBC),exopolysaccharide(EPS)content,viscosity,water-holding capacity(WHC),texture properties,and sensory evaluation were examined as well.The results showed that during the initial storage period(0–14 days),the EPS content of the co-fermented milk increased from 204.7 to 233 mg/L,which was significantly higher than that of the single-strain fermented milk.Additionally,the VBC in the co-fermented milk was significantly higher than that in the single-strain fermented milk throughout the storage period,indicating that the co-fermentation could significantly enhance the storage stability and probiotic functions of the product.The use of co-cultures markedly improved the rheological and texture characteristics of fermented milk,particularly viscosity and WHC.Compared with the singlestrain fermented milk,the co-fermented milk was more capable of forming a stable gel structure.These findings provide a solid scientific basis for the development of probiotic fermented milk products and the enhancement of their health benefits and also offer innovative perspectives and strategies for the production and storage characteristics evaluation of fermented milk.
作者 刘志忠 刘立伟 刘志刚 陈海丽 崔红 杨波 张佳琪 乌日更 姚凯 LIU Zhizhong;LIU Liwei;LIU Zhigang;CHEN Haili;CUI Hong;YANG Bo;ZHANG Jiaqi;WU Rigeng;YAO Kai(Ulanchabu Grassland Yogurt Strain Research and Industrialization Application Institute,Ulanchabu 012000,China;Chayouhou Banner Market Supervision and Administration Bureau,Ulanchabu 012406,China;Inner Monggolia Langege Dairy Co.Ltd.,Ulanchabu 012000,China;Inner Monggolia Chayouhou Banner Third Middle School,Ulanchabu 012406,China;Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology and Engineering,Ministry of Education,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010000,China)
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS 北大核心 2025年第2期89-98,共10页 Food Science
基金 中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(2022ZY0002) 内蒙古自治区察哈尔高新区科技支撑项目。
关键词 唾液链球菌嗜热亚种 动物双歧杆菌乳亚种 益生菌发酵乳 品质改善 Streptococcus salivarius subsp.thermophilus Bifidobacterium animalis subsp.lactis probiotic fermented milk quality improvement
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