

The Value Implications,Conceptual Demands,and Teaching Strategies of Inheriting Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture in Sports and Health Courses
摘要 体育与健康课程肩负着传承中华优秀传统文化的时代使命,是完成传统体育文化教育传承的重要载体。文章以文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法,从价值意蕴、理念诉求和教学策略三个方向阐述了体育与健康课程中进行文化传承的“为何”与“如何”,以此深入推进中华优秀传统体育文化教育,提升育人效果。 The sports and health curriculum shoulders the mission of inheriting excellent traditional Chinese culture and is an important carrier for completing the inheritance of traditional sports culture education.The article uses research methods such as literature review and logical analysis to elaborate on the“why”and“how”of cultural inheritance in physical education and health courses fromthree directions:value implications,conceptual appeals,and teaching strategies.This aims to deepen the promotion of excellent traditional Chinese sports culture education and improve the effectiveness of education.
作者 李文 公胜男 吴锡坤 苏晓梅 LI Wen;GONG Sheng-Nan;WU Xi-kun;SU Xiao-mei(Shanwei Sports School,Shanwei 516600,China;Shanwei Technician College,Shanwei 516600,China)
出处 《遵义师范学院学报》 2024年第6期169-172,176,共5页 Journal of Zunyi Normal University
基金 广东省2023年度中小学教师教育科研能力提升计划项目“五育融合视域下体育课程教学的跨学科路径构建研究”(2023YQJK382)。
关键词 体育与健康课程 中华优秀传统文化 文化传承 体育文化教育 physical education and health curriculum Chinese excellent traditional culture cultural inheritance physical culture education
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